
I don't cook my oatmeal. I mix a 1/4 cup organic rolled oats with 1 scoop vanilla protein powder then add vanilla soy milk and frozen blueberries. Let stand for about 20-30 min. Stir, and then eat. It's cold and icey and just like a desert.:p
I can't believe there is so much to be said about oatmeal! I have oatmeal every morning I cook 2 cups Quaker Old fashioned oats with 4and a half cups cold water with a little salt on the lowest setting on my stove. Stir it as much as I can stand to until it starts to bubble. I like it this way because it's not chewy, instead it's nice and creamy. I know it sounds funny but don't use the store brand it has a different taste. I don't know if it's the second cutting or what but it's got an alfalfa taste or something, it's just not as good. I put it in the fridge and grab and go in my morning rush (microwave for 90 sec or so). I have mine with a dates/figs mixture and Keifer. It's delicious!
Shelly et al - Does your method of soaking the Oats over night produce a creamy or chewy texture?
>Shelly et al - Does your method of soaking the Oats over night
>produce a creamy or chewy texture?

I do this with steel cut oats (not the flaked oatmeal, but the chopped whole oats, that you usually have to cook for 30 minutes)and it has a somewhat chewy texture. If you did it with flaked oats, it would be creamier.

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