Oatmeal, so good for me, but yuck....


For those people who eat oatmeal, how do you do it???
I started on my MsFit eating plan today, and oatmeal was on the breakfast menu. I've always avoided it, eating something else for breakfast instead. I managed to choke it down, with some cinnamon on it. I have to admit, i stayed full all morning and eating meal #2(which is a necessity on this eating plan), was something i could've done without.
I need ideas to spice it up, without adding fat or calories.
I'm trying my hardest to stick pretty much to the written plan.

I always add skim milk, brown sugar or honey, and raisins to mine. Milk makes all the difference to me when I eat oatmeal. I don't like it thick and sticky. I like it a little "soupy". :)
HI Wendy!
I could not stand oatmeal until I tried eating it dry (sounds worse than it is) I sprinkle cinnamon and Splenda on it and mix it before each bite.

Adding a scoop of protein powder makes mine really yummy if you can believe that. If that's not sweet enough for you, a packet of splenda helps.

You could add: maple extract or flavoring with splenda or even pumpkin pie spice with splenda.
I've actually switched to steel cut oats (or Irish oatmeal as it is also called). I like it alot better than old fashioned oats because it has more flavor to me. Maybe you can use that instead? It's still the same oat, just not as processed (flattened) as oatmeal.

I too add a little milk and raisins to mine and even walnuts, although I imagine that's not on your eating plan. I've also had it with cinnamon and chopped apple which is very yummy too. (Again, probably not on your plan!) But I think it would be good with just cinnamon. I'll have to try that tomorrow!

Hmmmm...don't have any other suggestions at the moment. But there are alot of others I know who have oatmeal every day so hopefully there is someone more creative than I!

:) Nicole
Have you tried Steel Cut Oatmeal? I actually like that better. I used to eat the Quaker rolled oats, but recently made the switch. I do put a little brown sugar on it and skim milk.

There was a thread awhile ago about oatmeal. I don't have time to search for it, but there were a lot of different ways people here would eat it. I think that it was the thread "Benefits of oatmeal", I think.

If you don't like it, I would just substitute smething. Can you do that with that plan?

>Adding a scoop of protein powder makes mine really yummy if
>you can believe that. If that's not sweet enough for you, a
>packet of splenda helps.
>You could add: maple extract or flavoring with splenda or
>even pumpkin pie spice with splenda.

Protein powder?? What a great idea!! And pumpkin pie spice, i would've never thought of that, now that actually makes me want to
try it now!!

thanks for the suggestions everyone!
I don't like oatmeal either. Can't stand the taste or even the smell. I have have had it dry and in milk before and could manage that but have not ate it in a long time.
i add peanut butter (natural) and unsweetend cocoa (then some splenda)

YUM! i could eat it three meals a day!

i also like it with sugar-free syrup and banana

AND... i like it with strawberries mixed in!

i always make it with milk (soy, skimmed, etc.. never water!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I used to not like plain oatmeal either, but now I make mine with skim milk and some Splenda and it's great! I have even added banana slices to it before and that is really good too.

Hey guys,
Do you get the same benefit from the old fashioned oatmeal eating it dry? It seems like a silly question to me, but I don't know if since it's slow cooked that there are some benefits that come out with the cooking. I eat mine dry w/ soy milk and was just wondering...
I hate oatmeal too (except in cookies :9). It has bad mouthfeel. I know what you mean though about wanting to like it because it's good for you. I have the same problem with sweet potatoes. I try them and try them and I just don't like them. But I want to!!

"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi
A while back, I took Desertbriez's peanut butter and cocoa recipe and tried it. She is entirely right. YUM YUM YUM! I eat it this way at least half the time now and sometimes I add a mashed ripe banana to it too. The other way I eat oatmeal is with banana, raisins, and sweet n low brown sugar. I tried mixing oatmeal with cottage cheese like someone else suggested but didn't like that. Blech!

I would eat oatmeal for every meal if I could. And to think I wouldn't touch it up to about a year ago....
I like steel cut oats as well: nuttier tasting, and a pleasant texture (to me). Some things I add to it: maple syrup, soy milk (vanilla is especially good), raisins or blueberries, ground golden flax. You could also put some real vanilla extract in it, which adds a bit of sweetness without any sugar, as well as the vanilla taste. Stevia is a natural sweetener that is low glycemic and doesn't affect your blood glucose levels. You also use a very small amount as a sweetener. I like using "Stevia plus," which is stevia mixed in some fiber.
I made it this weekend with a handful of mixed berries thrown in before cooking. It was really the best oatmeal I've ever had! The berries kind of mushed up a little from the cooking and they totally flavored the whole bowl. I used soymilk instead of water, so it was pretty creamy, too...
Lot's of good suggestions here for what to add, but I will put in one more vote for steel cut oats. No matter what you add to it, it is better to eat regardless. I love it!!
I love oatmeal! There is so much you can do with it. Here's a good tasting recipe. This should fit in with your meal MsFit meal plan.

1/2 cup oats
3-4 egg whites
Sweetner (I use stevia)

In a bowl, mix well. Spray pan with cooking spray or use a bit of olive oil. Wait until pan is hot and pour oats & egg whites in pan. Lower heat to medium ,cook for 1-2 minutes or until brown (cooks fast so watch the heat)flip and lower heat to low setting. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until lightly browned.

Top with blueberries and walnuts or low sugar syrup. Sometimes I spread a tablespoon of flax oil on it then top with blueberries. Yummy! You could also add a bit of cottage cheese (3 tblsp. or 1/4 cup) to the batter for extra protein.

You could put the oats, whites, sweetner in the blender to make a batter then pan fry. I make it this way for my kids and they love it.They have no idea they are eating oatmeal pancakes. They don't like oatmeal.

For me, I prefer the bowl mix 'cause it has a nuttier flavor and better texture.

Try it, you may be surprised at how good it tastes!
I LOVE oatmeal. I am so sorry you don't like it :( It is my life saver in the morning to keep me healthy.

Here's some ideas:

-Cary's Sugar Free syrup (just a few drops and it tastes like brown sugar, seriously!)
-Splenda brown sugar
-Raisins (but I try not to eat too many as they're so high in sugar)

Yummy! :9

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