O/T: Favorite Books?

I got totally addicted to the "Left Behind" series a couple of years ago. They only put out a new one every 6-8 months or so. When the last one came out, I was at the store waiting for it to open. THen I had it finished in 2 days. Sad to say, I'll have to wait until spring for the next one.
I love to read too. I don't have a favorite author but I spend many a lunch hour browsing Borders.

Some of my favorites

Prince of Tides (Pat Conroy??)

She's Come Undone (Wally Lamb)

This Much I know is True (Wally Lamb)

I just bought myself a book for Christmas.

The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz) This is one that Ellen DeGeneres recommended to Oprah and Oprah loved it so much that she bought 500 copies for all her friends. (Wow she has alot of friends!)

The Four Agreements are:

1) Be impeccable with your word
2) Don't take anything personally
3) Don't make assumptions
4) Always do your best

Practicing the Four Agreements is going to be my goal/resolution for 2002.
I like the Four Agreements recommendation. Going to check that one out from the library.

Let me look at my bookshelf here ...

All time favorites are:
The Secret Garden
Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto (hence my camp name of Banana!)

I also really like for fiction:
Harry Potter (especially the Prisoner of Azkaban)
Here on Earth by Alice Hoffman
Story of My Life by Jay McInerny
The Three-Inch Golden Lotus by Feng Jicai
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
My Year of Meats by Ruth L. Ozeki
I Love You This Much
Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories

For non-fiction, it's definitely interest-specific:
Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis: Everything You Need to Know
Anything by Bob Ditter (kids' camps guru)
Simply Speaking by Peggy Noonan
Snowshoeing Colorado by Clare Walter
Food: Your Miracle Medicine by Jean Carper
and my Compact Oxford English Dictionary, with its own magnifying glass (good for settling arguments--the dictionary, not the heavy glass, that is ;-) )

http://www.plauder-smilies.de/pyth.gif Gretchen
It's a little bit of an autobiography, but mostly it's an analysis of really good speeches and how to give one yourself. Peggy Noonan has another book out that is an autobiography. I think it's called "The View from the Revolution" or something similar, about her days writing speeches for George Bush.

http://www.plauder-smilies.de/pyth.gif Gretchen
Hey Kim!

I LOVE "The Left Behind" series! Talk about not being able to put a book down. I ranted and raved (in my head) for months why it took forever for the 9th. book, "Desecration" to come out and finally, it did. Do you think I have read one page of it? I bought it the day it came out on the shelves too. My schedule has changed so dramatically lately that I just cannot find the time for my reading. Grrr! Maybe, if I stayed off this machine!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My favorite book is John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. I love books! Lately, I have been reading a lot of nutrition books, plus books by Thich Nhat Hanh who is a Vietnamese Buddist monk who is lovely and peaceful. I am also reading about adolescent girls. I have 2. And I have books all over the place to get to when I find time!
I am currently re-reading the Lilac Bus! It has been years since I first read it so I mostly forget what happens until I read it! ONe of my favorite Binchy books was Circle of Friends. Far better than the movie. Tara Road was also great. Her latest book, Scarlet Feather, was good, but I don't think the characters were developped in her usual depth. And I almost didn't like the main character too much. But still, very enjoyable reading.

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