
was in a similar position

A year ago, I was so unhealthy and had been trying to lose weight for 10 years to no avail. I worked out regularly and got nowhere and wasn't eating large portions or what I thought was fattening food. I am convinced that no one way of eating is good for everyone, every human body is unique and so are the nutritional needs. I found that a book called The Body Ecology Diet completely changed my life, as did Marilu Henner's book The Total Health Makeover. Since committing myself 100% over time to food combining properly and eliminating all dairy, sugar and artificial sweeteners I have the body and energy of a 19 year old (I'm 30). It didn't happen overnight and it was a HUGE adjustment but I had lots of health issues that kept me motivated besides the weight. But a nice side effect was major weight loss as a result of my metabolism escaping the iron grips of improper eating habits I didn't even know I had. For instance, when you eat a protein with a carbohydrate, neither is properly digested. Whereas eating them seperately alows your body to release the type of digestive acids necessary and make optimum use of the nutrients. The result; better digestion, faster metabolism, less hunger, healthier immune system...better quality of life.

I know everyone is giving you contradictory advice, which is confusing as hell, but you'll find your niche on your own like I did. I should also mention having read several articles and studies of weight training versus cardio and while cardio is important, weight training does WAY more to aid in fat loss and faster metabolism. I had my husband do a program that involved alternating days of weights/cardio 5 or 6 days per week and his results were wonderful. Don't kill yourself or obsess over a few pounds, it's really not something to worry about. I found that when I took the focus off the scale and my weight and put the focus on overall health, energy and nutrition I made astonishing, life-changing strides and had the nice side effect of major weight loss.

I hope some of this was helpful to you. I've read EVERY nutrition book out there and my faves are the ones mentioned above plus; The Blood Type Diet (which I have used after the Body Ecology program as a permanent guideline for me and my husband), Fit For Life (great info about food combining and the timing of your meals) and Nutrition for Serious Athletes. The last one I mention actually has tons and tons of great info for anyone who exercises at all regarding hydration, carbs, protein, everything you could think of and it's done in a really easy to understand way. Just enjoy your body as it is and don't be so hard on yourself. But I do think your nutritionist is a bad egg. Too few calories and he's not listening to you. That's always a bad sign. Buyer beware.

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