

I subscribe to Oxygen and I really like it. I also like M&F Hers. I think Oxygen is a great mag with some good advice. Cathe would be a wonderful person for the mag to profile! I think that her healthy lifestyle and her physique are comparable to those featured in Oxygen. Sometimes I wonder just how those women do it!
You and me both!

That's goal though, to get in great enough shape to compete against these women. Sooo, spill it, who's your favorite competitor?
You've got to try Luna bars

Clif bars or the woman of Clif Bars have a wonderful nutrition bar which contains 10 grams of soy protein, antioxidents, calcium among other things. Osco drugs carries them as does Walgreen and they wonderful. I eat one withinn two hours of weight training with a glass of fat free milk. My favorite is Nutz over Chocolate but they come in many flavors. The Nutz tastes like a candy bar. If you are on the West coast you can get them at Trader Joe's and I believe they are availible online as well. They are complete in their nutrition and a really easy way to get protein.
I love those!

Luna's chocolate pecan pie is my favorite, and Clif Bar's chocolate chip peanut butter crunch is my favorite with that line!!
Cliff and Luna Bars

I would like to try them but aren't they loaded with calories and fat? I looked at some in the grocery store and they had a large number of Carbs unless you get an Atkins bar and those are loaded with fat. Are there any out there that are low in saturated fat, high in protein, and low in carbs? I know that is a tough one. I am thinking that I might try something new next week. I am going to try the 6 mini-meals and increase my weight training and reduce my cardio. I do cardio 5 or 6 times a week and weight training for about 20 minutes each day. I work different body parts but I think I might benefit more from comitting two days a week to just weight training. I am lifting a fairly heavy weight for my fitness level but I think I need to up my reps to 20 and increase to 4 sets from 3. At least one of the magazines suggests this for building lean muscle that isn't bulky. I don't want to look like a body builder. I just want to look firm and lean. I am trying to be patient but it is difficult when you feel like you work hard enough to see results. I think I am going to take the weekend off from all dieting and exercise. I will be traveling anyway and I am getting shin splints from all the exercise. My body needs a break. Thanks for the great advice and web pages. I appreciate it.
My favorite

My favorite would have to be Mary Yockey. I also really like Tonya Merryman. But all of those women are so inspiring. I get my new mag and instantly renew my commitment to my workouts. But, alas, I will never look that good. I like to cook and eat! Talk to you soon! Gotta go finish making lunch!!!!
Protein Bars

Hi RBurke! There are so many bars on the market such as: Protein bars, Meal-Replacement bars, Energy bars and Specialty bars. A really good protein bar is Ultimate Lo-Carb Bar by Biochem it has 240 calories, 23g protein, 2g carbs, 1g sugar with 7g of fat. There's also Protein Revolution by Low Glycemic Technologies, 230 calories, 22g protein, 2.5g carbs, 0g sugar and 8g fat, comes in Chocolate Hazelnut and Toffee Crunch. This is a nice change from shakes. When you do the 6-mini meals a day remember to consume the same amount of calories that you would by eating 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. Just space it out a bit. Sounds like you deserve a long rest. Enjoy your weekend! Kathy
RBurke, check this out...

The rule of thumb on fat is 5 grams per 100 calories is low enough. Lunas - my favorite Nutz Over Chocolate has 180 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, 10 grams of Soy protein (plant estrogens!) and 24 grams of carbohydrate as well as antioxidents and calcium. I love to eat them after a weight training session with a glass of milk. One per day. I have never tried the other Clif bars because they were more caloric than the Lunas and I just plain love them to death! I don't think carbs should be a problem for someone who does as much cardio as you do. I usually follow a relatively high carb diet because I mainly run and runners love their carbs but I was at Runners World. com and Liz Applegate, their nutritionist said that even 30-30-40 is ok as long as you eat enough cals. I revisited the Body for Life and I must say I like the idea of the smaller, more frequent meals and, in fact, today am doing Body For Bobbi, my own version:) That is, 5 smaller meals with a mixture of protein and carbhydrate. I usually train 6 times a week breaking down into groups like back and shoulder, chest and arms, then legs with everything being hit twice per week. Next week I am trying a body part per day just to mix it up. Today I have had cereal and yogurt at breakfast followed by egg whites and toast, then tuna, whole wheat crackers and lettuce. I am going to have a luna for a snack then a lean hamburger on an onion bun and a salad for dinner. This is way more protein than usual for me but I'll give it a shot. I used the website to figure out my total calorie needs taking into account my activity level, then it said to subtract 500 cals for each pound you wish to lose per week so I subtracted 500 and got 1700 ! I can definitely live with that and if I end up losing the old slab of flab, I'll be very happy. Keep posting and we'll compare notes!
best place to buy Lunas

If you go to and buy Luna bars by the dozen, you get 10% off their regular low price, and they end up being about 99 cents each. I always buy the 'nutz over chocolate'and the pecan Lunas that way. (Unfortunatly, I also tried the green tea Lunas by the dozen, and after about the 8th one, got tired of them ;-(
I like them too,

and I'm starting to get into Mandy Blank. Boy, you sound like me with the cooking and eating part and of course I have to taste test to make sure it tastes just right
! I was getting WS&F by subscription, but they just wrote their last issue ever. When I told my husband he said that now I could subscribe to Oxygen in its place. I'll have to get on that
. Talk to you later!
Luna Bars

I also bought the Luna bars through and the price is great. At our grocery store here, they were 1.75 each (pretty pricey if you ask me.) Also, they gave me free shipping with my first order. I ordered three dozen boxes - Lemon zest really good if you like lemon, nuts over chocolate (a good replacement for Reeses PB cups) and the Cliff peanut butter bar.

Just my thought on this.

hello Aimee!

You'll really like Oxygen. I just wish it was published more that bi-monthly! I always read it cover to cover several times! As for cooking, I think that was my real calling in life. I would love to go to cooking school (there's one right here in town!) I guess in a way I'm already playing the part. I cook fabulous meals everyday! I take lunch to my dad who's 80 with Alzheimers (so if it's not really any good, he won't remember anyway?!) and I take lunch to my neighbors (she is 40 and dying of cancer.) So I'm a chef, for all the right people at the right time?!
You do the entree's

and I'll do the desserts
! That's my thing! Chocolate cakes and cookies and pies and.... You are incredible. What you do for your father and neighbor is one of the kindest things I've ever heard of. God Bless You!

Sounds like a deal! I try to make Dad goodies since he is so thin. (114lbs!) I figure sugar and fat won't hurt him at this stage. I like to bake too. I really like to make bread. Do you have any suggestions for blueberries? I'm tired of making pie and buckle. We have tons and even more to pick!
Thanks for the reply! Have a great day!
Have you ever tried

blueberry shortcake? Same thing as strawberry shortcake, just with blueberries. Or what about blueberry cobbler? Hmmm... let me look in my reciepe index and see what else I can find for you. I'll post back.

You're my kind of friend! Such a good gal!
Can't wait! I'm sure my Dad will love your BB recipes!
OK, Amy

I found one thing out of the ordinary. Blueberry Corn Fritters. For 4 servings you will need: 2egg yolks, 3/4c. milk, 1 1/2c. all purpose flour, 2tsp. baking powder, 1/2tsp salt, 2Tbsp granulated sugar, 3/4c. corn drained, 1/2c. blueberries, 2egg whites and 2-3Tbsp butter or margine. Beat yolk until light. stir in milk. Combine flour,baking powder, salt and sugar. Stir into egg and milk mixture. Quickly stir in corn and bluberries. Beat egg whites until stiff, fold into batter. Heat 2Tbsps.butter in an 8-10" skillet until a light haze forms. Drop batter by Tbsps into hot buuter. Fry for 3-4 minutes on each side. Lower heat to prevent burning. Keep warm in oven while you cook remaining fritters. Serve hot with ham and maple syrup.

Aimee, Good recipe! My dad likes them. I think I'll be making them a lot. He picked more berries today! THANKS! Amy

Wow, this sounds just like me. I turned 35 and gained 8 lbs, so I had my fat tested, and it was 21.5. I was so upset, because I workout all the time, try to eat right and so I went on the Atkins diet, only I'm at about 30g of Carb's. After 1 month I went and had my fat tested, and walla, its down to 19. My 6-pack on my abs show real good again, so I'm very excited. It seems to be working for me. You should read the book, because its not all what people make it out to be (no carbs). Now I've slowly increased my Carb's, because my workouts were shorter and I did experience a little fatigue. Also, Dr. Atkins tells you after the 2 week induction diet, which includes 20g carbs or less, you should start increasing your carb intake, which is the Ongoing Weight loss section, then you increase it again until you notice you can maintain the weight you want and eat the foods you want in moderation. Now I have a piece of fruit right before my workout for endurance and I've managed to keep the weight off, and I'm still losing, so I can't wait to go and have my fat % measured again. You will need to carry Certs or tictac's with you at all times. Well, nothing is perfect.
What a thread!!!

Hi all! So many eating plans (I just can't use the word diet). Ok, just had to throw in my two cents, and it may not even be worth that. I guess there's no one way of eating that'll work for everyone, otherwise we'd have figured it out by now, right? I have adopted the following plan at three different times over the past year with successful results everytime. The first time was because my workout room was being finished and I knew I wouldn't be able to workout for at least 2 months (turned out to be almost 3), the second was 2 months before I went to Hawaii last winter, and the last and most recent time was to drop a few pounds before I went to Utah last month. Let me say first that my ultimate goal is to never go off of this plan again. Besides the wonderful effect of losing weight, I also have much more energy and just feel much better in general. I am NOT a nutritionist, but I feel I have a pretty good basic understanding of the concept of nutrition. This eating plan does resemble the Body for Life program in that you eat smaller meals more frequently. When I first planned on giving this a try, I had heard several things about eating less more frequently having postiive effects both in the weight loss area and in general health. The thing that made the most sense to me was a discussion about the effects of eating too much at one sitting and the resulting release of insulin into the bloodstream it causes. (Can't remember just where I heard this, but I'm a big Prevention reader, so it most likely came from there) In any case, there was speculation (don't know if it's been confirmed or not) that large insulin spikes can have an adverse effect on one's metabolism and an arbitrary figure of 500 calories being the upper limit to avoid this spiking was set. So, I set up a little plan for myself. I tried to eat about every 2 hours, at around 200-300 calories per meal. Sometimes, especially in the morning when all I wanted was a piece of fruit it would be more like 100, and I would allow myself a larger, 500 calorie dinner. Now, at the beginning, I would eat 4 double stuff oreos for my 200 calories if that's what I wanted. However, as time went by, I began to realize that these tuly were "empty" calories, 'cause they sure didn't hold you for very long! I gradually began to make better food choices and found that I stayed fuller for longer periods of time. Make no mistake though, at the end of the two hours, I was ready to eat! I allowed myself a range of 1800 to 2000 calories daily and except for the first attempt at this plan, I saw immediate results. The first time I wasn't exercising and the weight loss took about a week and a half to start up. I consistently lost about 2 pounds a week each time. Yeah, I gained a few pounds back when I went off it, but overall I am a good 10 pounds lighter than when I first started out. My biggest downfall in the quest to eat well is that I have no portion control and this plan certainly addresses it. Although I chose to eat every two hours at on average 200 cals per meal, I'm certain one could adapt this philosophy and up the calories (still within the 500 calorie range) and lengthen the time between meals, still striving to eat smaller and more frequently than just three meals a day. I found it handy to keep some of those bars (Balance and Luna are my favorites) in my car for those times when I was out on the road (kiddies have a ton of extra curriculars, don't ya know), but I tried not to depend on these if I had other options. Ok, enough preaching, I'll shut up now!

Elizabeth Kelly

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