I have a question for a person who has become intolerant of certain foods as an adult. I am now experiencing an intolerance to milk/dairy, soy and peanut butter. I get really crampy, gasy (to the point my poor dh wants me on the couch:+ ), bloated and rumbling stomach like hunger but eating does not make it go away. I am actually scared to eat any dairy to see if it really is this since I haven't had any at all for about a week now. I am sooo afraid of what my system will do. Somebody had told me to give my system a break from it all and then to reintroduce them one at a time. Well I did that last night with the peanut butter (hadn't had any for about 5 days) and I was a smelly mess again.sigh. So now I really don't want to try dairy because is causes bloating and really severe cramping, or it could be the soy or a combo of them both reacting to my system
:-( I really just don't know.
I am about to go to the doctor and see if I can get some type of testing to see exactly what is causing my problem other than this trial and error method that I have been doing lately. I am severely limited as to what I can eat.;(
Any thoughts would be appreciated, I am a 40 year old peremenopausal woman who works out 6 days a week to Cathe.
Thanks again for reading this!!:7
I am about to go to the doctor and see if I can get some type of testing to see exactly what is causing my problem other than this trial and error method that I have been doing lately. I am severely limited as to what I can eat.;(
Any thoughts would be appreciated, I am a 40 year old peremenopausal woman who works out 6 days a week to Cathe.
Thanks again for reading this!!:7