<--Now I see this is the way it's supposed to be...


<--waves mornin glories
<--is slurping java
<--has her first "real" day at work today
<--will be running with Coach Sean first
<--hopes everyone has a great day
<--leaves golden pot for the java junkies
<---is impressed with Tammy's start to the day
<---hopes Tammy's first real day of work is fun, rewarding, interesting and challenging (but not too challenging)
<---thinks today's Lab Week treats are soup and sammies
<---packed her own lunch just in case
<---wonders what kind of breakfast would make Sophie clap her hands and squeal with glee
<---has to watch the weather and will bbl
<---says Yay! Joe, the weather-guy says rain Friday, but dry weekend
<---hopes so, because most of activities planned involve the great out of doors
<---needs a java refill
<---will see you all at work
<--Waves good morning to my fellow OALers!
<--needs to go to JJA,Java Junkies Anomyous(ok,how do ya spell that?)
<--Hope Tammy's First 'real'day at work is filled with fun!
<--Tells Phyllis,contry/Western theme sounds fun!Get out your cowboy hat,yeeehaw!(can ya tell Im a southerner:)?)
<--Disney world....I wanna go;-) !
<--Hopes Robin has a fun day at work!
<--tells everybody thankyou for the study vibes yesturday,got a 102(2pts extra credit) on exam/test yesturday! So far all A's!(yeah me)
<--is going now to watch the 'The Andy Griffith Show'
<---saunters in whistling and holding a fishing pole
<---says good morning to Phyllis, Tammy, Robin, Amelia, and all who follow
<---wishes Tammy a great first "real" day at work
<---yells Hooray for Amelia on her test
<---hopes Robin and Phyllis have a great day at work
<---only has to sub in the afternoon today for first graders:)
<---is going to Disney in July with the kiddos and can't wait!!!
<---tells everyone to have a great day

<---tells Phyllis has been twice
<---went once in high school with the marching band and then again for honeymoon
<---says this year was <--- and DH's ten year anniversary so the trip is a celebration of that and the kiddos are going for the first time:)


ETA<---just saw a mouse in the garage and it wasn't Mickey!:-(
<---waves good morning
<---managed to climb out of the HH last night
<---is going to be proactive about the expanded waistline
<---hopes all you Disney goers enjoy!
<---has been to D-Land once when very, very young, and D-World once as a high school senior (very young :p )
<---admires Tammy's grit
<---could never work out that early!
<---hopes Robin has yummy, healthy Lab treats today
<---^^^5's Amelia on the test!
<---hopes Beth makes it back from fishing in time to sub the kiddos
<---Comes out of HH for a minute to say good morning chickies
<---Slept a little
<---Took my husky for a walk yesterday
<---Doggie is depressed
<---Doesn't know what to do for him
<---Thinks a new puppy will not be good for either of us right now
<---Will continue to shower him with lovies
<---Hoping to pull self out of funk today
<---Very hard but needs to do it
<---Glad to see so many of you tried Cardio Coach
<---Absolutely loves riding my recumbent with Sean
<---Thinks the workout will be well received today :)
<---Wishes each of you a good day BBL
<--tried to respond to Shelley but couldn't
<--can apparently receive email, but not send it
<--has a birthday boy working on the problem, but so far, no luck
<--hopes Tammy likes the new job
<--is very impressed that Tammy worked out the first day of a new job!!
<--has a feeling she doesn't have the right email address for Robin
<--gives Amelia a standing ovation!
<--has never been to Disney-anything
<--is glad Melissa is enjoying her recumbent
<--has been feeling SOOO much better this week than last week
<--did about 20 mins. of Slim 'n Lean after work yesterday
<--thinks exercise is helping a lot
<--vows to stay away from the scales, which always go ^^^ when <-- is exercising
<---is sorry for Melissa and her grieving pooch
<---says time heals etc. etc.
<---hopes Phyllis enjoys the cowboy treats
<---is having soup cookoff (<--didn't enter - no time)
<---adds that even though lab is having relatively lo-cal treats, the cafeteria/kitchen is having an open house with lots of yummy gooey things
<---had baklava for breakfast, along with kashi and soy milk
<---is happy for all the Disney visitors
<---had fun at DW when DS was about 4, but doesn't think she'll ever get back
<---high fives Amelia on the great grade
<---says posting on Cathe.com makes you smart
<---knows Shannon will fit into her summer duds in no time
<---has to get back to work - has a student and has to crack the whip
<---waves good morning to all the OALs
<---loves Disney World
<---got engaged and married there
<---hopes Tammy's first real day at work is stellar!
<---thanks Robin and Phyllis for all the hard (and smelly) lab work
<---congratulates Amelia on her test results
<---wonders what Beth did with her own personal Mickey
<---is glad Shannon was able to pull herself out of the HH
<---hugs Melissa and her Husky
<---is off today with sweet babies, will bbl

<---edits to say hi to Nancy:)
<--- crawls in and mutters good morning to all
<--- is wrestling with some huge demons so may not be around much, or may be around looking for some support
<--- has read ^^^ but can't remember anything because <--- is wrapped up in her own head today
<--- tells Robin to check her PMs in a minute
<---knows Nancy will keep on feeling great because <--- is sending her "feel great" vibes :7
<---sends hugs to Melissa and her Husky, and would love to give the Husky a good tummy rub
<---will help Shelley in any way possible to banish the demons
<--- waves to everyone
<--- wishes Tammy much luck on her first "real" day at work
<--- continues to pray for Tammy's mom
<--- would never survive a week of celebrations that included lots of treats and sends many powerful restraint vibes to Robin and Phyllis
<--- hopes Joe the wacky weather man knows what he's talking about
<--- thinks Phyllis should chaperon the DW trip}( :D
<--- congratulates Amelia on her test score
<--- wonders why Beth is holding a fishing pole
<--- wonders if it's raining where Beth is
<--- is glad Cuz managed to climb out of the HH and is proud of her new found resolve to whittle that waistline
<--- {{{{{Melissa}}}}} and completely understands how she's feeling
<--- had to put one of her dogs down a few years ago and the other dog was depressed for awhile
<--- suggests Melissa talk to her vet about things she can do
<--- agrees that a new dog might not be good just yet
<--- is happy that Nance is feeling better this week and agrees that exercise helps
<--- hopes MSY has a lovely day with her sweet babies
<--- is sorry about Shelley's demons and will do whatever she can :*
<--- finds herself in much need of prayer again
<--- will give you the short story
<--- has a brother in the care of a county mental health services board
<--- 's brother is having major problems right now and it's just so hard!
<--- 's DB, on top of many problems, is now having heart trouble and is going for a heart cath
<--- says that he's also in a very bad living situation (awful AWFUL roommate) and <--- and her other brother are looking into buying a house for him to keep him away from bad influences
<--- says this will be a financial hardship for us but <--- doesn't see any other way
<--- is beyond sad
<---says Goodmorning OALers!
<---actually slept well and woke up early today!
<---jumped out of bed, grabbed a nanner and hit the new recumbent bike with CC1
<---had a great time and got to watch the sun come up
<---says that DH continues to earn brownie points by getting up this morning and cooking <--- breakfast
<---is starting to wonder what she is being buttered up for...
<---is actually wide awake at work for once
<---thinks she may keep up with the morning workouts
<---hopes that Tammy's first "real" day of work goes great!
<---tells Robin that she is glad to hear our weather is going to be dry this weekend!
<---needs to pull out the riding mower and cut the 2 1/2 acres of "field" that is supposed to be her yard...
<---is also jealous of Phyllis's DS
<---says she has never been to Disney World or Land 8: (
<---is happy to hear that Amelia did well on her exam - ^^^5's her
<---tells Beth to have fun subbing for those first graders
<---is not sure she would have the patience for that ;)
<---sends <<<<HUGS>>>> to Melissa and her lonely huskie
<---says her dogs are her children and it would take her and DH a LONG time to get over losing one of them
<---tells Nancy to chuck the scale
<---believes they are deceitful little pieces of equipment
<---has promised herself to only step foot on hers once a month when doing her monthly measurements
<---also sends <<<<HUGS>>>> to Shelley
<---tells her we are always here if she needs support!
<---says she is fully prepared to throw on some Buffy gear and slay those demons for her!
<---is so sorry to hear about Michele's brother's situation
<---hopes that everything works out for everyone involved
<---will be back later to check on yus' all!
<---sends (((HUGS))) to Michele
<---wonders if buying a house for DB will actually keep him away from bad influences
<---wishes Michele's DB good luck with his heart cath
<---also wonders if a supportive group home might be beneficial for DB?
<--- thanks MSY for the hugs
<--- 's DB is in a very small county with limited funds and they do not have group homes
<--- says he had been living alone and did quite well, but the county can't afford to place people individually so they stuck him with a roommate who is into drugs and alcohol
<--- says her DB is now into drugs and alcohol:-(

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