NOV 06 Rotation - Effective?


Active Member

I was wondering how effective did you find past November's rotation, with all the new DVDs in one month...

I'm about to receive my new DVDs and I don't know if I should start the rotation right away, or if I should become familiar with the videos in their regular format first.

Also, since I won't get Cardio Fusion... could anyone care for listing which excersises it has? So I can try to build it up myself... I'm sure it's been previously asked, but I just couldn't find the right thread.

Thanks for your input!
Hi there, I haven't done this rotation, but thought I'd help with Cardio Fusion. It is a DVD that has the bonus cardio from LIC, all 6 Drill Max Cardio Drills, Body Max 2 cardio and bonus cardio and the ciruit cardio. It also has premixes on it. It is an incredible cardio workout!

Good luck!
I thought the Nov. rotation was very effective. Just by judging by how my jeans fit:)Definately looser in the hips and my tush is firmer! Plus it was fun to do the new workouts.
Cardio Fusion
BM2 warm up
BM2 bonus cardio
LIC bonus cardio
BM2 power circuits (not including weight work) cardio only
DM cardio only
If you have all 4 new dvds it should be easy to put together:)
Have fun!

"This is a Blast- act like you are having one!" Cathe Friedrich
I'm starting the rotation tomorrow. I really can't wait. IMO if you can purchase the Cardio Fusion, do it. It really is the most fun and tough cardio I've done. Totally worth it.

I did this rotation in December. I definitely found it effective in shocking my body and keeping off the usual holiday weight gain. The ab/core workout and shoulder/chest emphasis really gave me DOMS - my intercostals are still sore! :D Drill Max and Body Max 2 really worked me differently than the usual one-body-part-per-day cycles - I think it is all the agility training and the emphasis on circuits + cardio.

One thing to note is that most of the workouts are in the 90-minute range. If you want to keep it closer to 60-70, maybe do Cathe's Gym Styles + New DVD Premixes rotation from December. That is the rotation I am doing now.

Since Cardio Fusion only comes up a few times in the Nov06 rotation, one thought is that you could sub any cardio-only, 60- to 75-minute workout. I popped in IMAX3 one of those days because I missed doing the "dancier" stuff. ;)

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