<--nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could

<---is already running late
<---says stupid computer was having a hissy fit this morning
<---gave a reboot in the butt
<---explains to anyone who cares that on Sept 10, She-who-must-not-be-named, also known as Bevdemort, starts working in my department: In non <-- speak, she is nasty and will be looking for any way to stir up trouble. I won't be posting from work while she is in the department. I may be able to quickly sneak on when she goes to lunch with her henchmen, the Rat Pack.
<---tells Phyllis the inspection came about a week before the deadline for when they could come
<---will find out today if we survived
<---has a liquid workstation today - pee-eeuuu
<---will at least have her own computer terminal as liquid workstation
<---high fives Shelley on her running prowess
<---better get running herself
<--waves good morning to robinellers and phyllis mcphyllison
<--thinks the oal posse needs to go kidnap SWSNBN so robinellers can post from work
<--is uber impressed with shellers mcfastnesspants' running
<--thinks that is super fast for 6 miles
<--has iTread on tap today but hasn't decided which one
<--'s tummy is feeling a bit wonky :p
<--has decided <--really does not enjoy hills and would much rather sprint than run hills
<--is soooo glad it's fried-day :+
<--- waves good morning and yells HAPPY FRIDAY!
<--- is so super-duper extraspecially glad it's Friday of a LONG WEEKEND!
<--- hates Bevdemort already x(
<--- thanks everyone for the congrats on the run
<--- hates hills too and would WAY rather do sprints
<--- waves wildly to Phyllis and wonders if the papparazzi are following her around?:p
<--- has to go leap in the shower but will bbiab
<--starts an IV of caffiene for Lori's tardness!
<--must stop SWMNBN from coming to Robin's dept }(
<--is :eek: over Shelly and her running abilities!!
<--hopes Phyllis gets to make it to the book store this weekend
<--is also glad it's a long weekend!!
<--is getting a pedi this morning
<--may schedule a day at the spa soon :D
<--hopes all have a good day

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<-- waves hello to everyone
<-- wishes it was a long weekend here
<-- is also hoping to go to the bookshop this weekend.
<-- has been without a book to read for a few weeks
<-- now has recommendations from the book thread and is taking list with her
<-- hopes everyone has a great day

<--wants to go get a pedi with catherine!!!


<--is SUPER excited because <--just figured out how to put that really cool Gator thing on signature
<--tells evily to ignore <--'s email as obviously <--figured out something WAY COOLER!!!
<--says, "GOOOOOO GATORS!"
<--Waves good glorious morning
<--is lol at Robin<--agree's that the OAL posse should do a smack down on the rat.
<--High fives Shelly on her running<--knows how hard it is to run<--can only run for about ten min right now:eek:!But<--started running for ony thirty seconds,LOL!
<--also hopes Phyllis and Kim gets to the book store!
<--use to Love reading!just can't find the time now!
<--Wants to join Catherine and Lorie with a pedicure<--hasn't had one of those in over a year!
<--is doing a happy dance<--has lost some weight since last friday:)
<--has been eating cleaner this week and its paying off!:)
<--has also been walking/jogging more too!
<--is also mumbling now<--bbl!
<--- may have a seizure from Lorie's signature thingie:)
<--- has never had a pedi but would love to go with Catherine and whoever else is going
<--- tells Amelia that 10 minutes is great!
<--- started out the same way
<--- high fives Amelia on the weight loss!
<--- wonders what books Kim will be picking up?
<--- is hoping for a troll-free day here today
<--- only has to work until 1 and then is FREEEEEE!
<--wonders how lorie does that signature thingy?
<--was not successful with Emily's front threadx(
<--Thanks Shelly for the high five
<--is also hoping for a troll free day!
<--is going to a braves bb game tonight(yahoo)
<--wonders if i mentioned that in my first post!
<--is taking a rest day.
<--'s butt in numb from blasted computer chair<--bbl!
<--- has missed all the controversy and troll sightings
<--- has only had time to glance at OAL thread and Cheetah Check in
<--- loves todays song title
<--- has always love the Sound of Music and will now have the songs in mind all day. :)

<--- has freakin major DOMS from a DVD loaned out to <-- from a personal trainer <--- am hiring for DS

<--- ^^^ used kettle ball weights, which <--- did not care for, but <-- did an infinite number of squats and lunges with them in combination with upper body movements.

<--- hopes Robin survives the addition to her work place
<--- sends Robin happy vibes for weekend visit with Tristan
<--- must finish coffee, digest, and work out
<--- has busy day with DD: buy school supplies, check up at oral surgeon ( for DD) , nail app't ( for <---) facial (for DD)
<--- then weekend will start!

<--- next week goes to Lake Las Vegas to meet DH there for long weekend :D

[font color=red][font size=+2]Judy "Likes2bfit"[/font]
<--tells everyone to hop on the pedicure bus and we'll have a blast!!
<--congrats Amelia on her wt loss!!
<--wonders if a braves game is baseball?
<--is having some tasty oatmeal with walnuts :p
<--is contemplating what to do with the rest of the day after pedi??
<--may shop <--isn't sure

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<---is happy to see Judy this fried-day
<---is waiting for the hit squad from OAL to take SWMNBN out
<---tells Phyllis that CAP is gone
<---has heard several versions of how we did on inspection
<---was told by manager that we did well and the few deficencies we got were for clerical stuff, nothing techinal
<---was told by another department head that my department got slammed
<---thinks the other department head is full of horse pucky
<---had to drive to three bookstores last night to find a copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (book 5)
<---says DS has book 5 and 6 at his residence
<---finds herself blathering, so will sign off from here for now
<--Says "yes mam" to Catherine<--is going to the braves vs the mets bb game tonight<--LOVES braves!
<--tells Catherine that shopping is always a fun way to fill up the day,LOL!
<--High fives Judy on the Major Doms <--may pick her up some tommorrow;-)
<--wants to know the name of the workout Judy did!
<--hopes Judy enjoys her day(sounds like a fun one)
<--is waiting for the pedicure bus!;-)
<--waves good morning to all
<--hates Bevdemort x(
<--doubts that Robin's dept got slammed
<--is getting ready for her day in New Jersey
<--doesn't understand Lorie's signature about Florida
<--had an emergency haircut last night
<--walked out looking like Alice from the Dilbert cartoon
<--says in case you don't remember, Alice looks like this:
<--tells Catherine to come along to NJ for spa day!
<--has something called the "ultimate massage" scheduled
<--needs coffee
<---waves hi to all
<---is tarred too, but plans on getting lots of R&R this weekend
<---joins the OAL posse on the way to Robin's
<---hopes Robin makes good use of the work computers while she can
<---needs to check out the reading thread
<---also needs to check out Shelley's running time
<---hopes Lorie has a good iTread run
<---thinks hills are really fun on the elliptical
<---enjoyed CC 5 last night
<---loves the first challenge, which is pure hill climbing :7
<---is learning to like sprints... kinda
<---waves at the Pedi bus as it drives by
<---is happy for Amelia's results with clean eating
<---knows how Amelia feels about the computer chair
<---would rather stand up all day than sit in this thing
<---thinks Judy is one of the busiest people <--- knows
<--come in and waves good morning to everyone
<--tell lorie <--is an FSU Seminole by marriage and asks her not to hold it against<--
<--is ready to join posse to "smack down" SHMNBN
<--hopes she did not miss the pedi bus
<--tells catherine to enjoy her pedi and Nancy to enjoy her spa day
<--says hello to everyone she missed
<--has to go muster the energy to make it to the office
<--will be back later
<---yells [font color=hotpink size=+2 font=script]HAPPY FRIDAY!!![/font] to Lorie, Robin, Phyllis, Shelley, Catherine, Kim, Amelia, Judy, Shannon, Nancy and all who follow <---
<---is so happy it's a long weekend :D :D
<---is sorry Robin's computer was having a hissy fit, and is doubly sorry that SWMNBN is going to be keeping Robin away from us :(
<---tells Lorie <--- would also rather sprint than run hills
<---says that only Coach Sean can get <--- to use the incline buttons on <---'s treadmill ;)
<---hopes Catherine enjoys her pedi today
<---needs a spa day too
<---tells Lorie - "whoops, I sent you a bunch of code before I read your post here telling me NOT to send you a bunch of code :p"
<---advises Lorie to copy that Gator thingie to her own PictureTrail - it's not kosher to link to someone else's picture on their own website(just FYI)
<---tells Amelia that the weight she lost has been found... on ME :eek:
<---hopes Judy has a good busy day with DD :)
<---agrees with Amelia and Shannon about computer chairs - ugh!
<---says that sitting in a chair all day at work is what makes <---'s piriformis really achy
<---could run 15 miles and not hurt very much at all, but once <---'s sits down at the computer, it's all over x(
<---thinks that humans are not designed to sit in front of computers all day... and yet, so many of us do
<---will stop rambling on about that...
<---tells Nancy that Lorie's signature is for the Florida Gators... a college football team... you know, the origin of Gatorade??? :)
<---hopes Nancy has a lovely massage!
<---is off to peruse the forums now... :D

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