Not so sure about Friday's roadtrip


Just a few months ago I somehow hurt my back and decided to went to a chiropractor for the first time. For two weeks, I got my lower back adjusted. It felt great...Love getting my back adjusted. He mentioned that my right hip was degenerative and show me exercises to prevent and strengthen my lower back. Additionally, he suggests doing abs workout not on the floor but elevated (prehaps 5in off the floor). Just want to say: caution to that chiropractor..he maybe misleading you. Mine Chiropractor indicated to my that he does not believe in continous visits and believe most back pains can be cured in about two or 3 weeks. If not, he will refer to another place (like MRI and such). He also indicated throughout my visits, I can engaged in low impact exercises.

Mrs. HTK
Pinky I think you are too cute and thanks for responding. I can't wait to meet you as well as everyone else.

I feel like a whimp b/c I feel like crying that I have received so many responses and suggestions. I know that this forum is excellent for that and I am sooooo happy I found Cathe which led to a bunch of beautiful women.

As I sit here & think about my first severe injury, I did a yoga pose and believed I hyper extended my back. Now I know for a fact supermans & that particular pose ARE DEF. OUT. (cobra????)

I promised myself that I will now incorporate yoga & more stretching (excluding the pose lying in a prone pos. & lifting the chest off the floor) in my w/o to help with the recovery my spine.

Hugs & kisses to you all.

>You know what, b/c you women are SOOOOO SPECIAL to me,
>regardless if I can't do a w/o, I'm going on the trip anyway

Hooray! I'm so happy to hear you're coming with us!

You know that they sell those disposable ThermaCare heat pads that activate with the air (Walmart/Walgreens/Target.) You wear them and they last up to 12 hours. They really help me when I have minor back problems and can't stay with a corded heating pad.


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~

Do get a second opinion, your in pain right now so it's obvious that there's something wrong with your back. But sometimes doctors tend to scare you into seeing them more then you should.

I go to a chiropractor about every month, if I hadn't I would be dead by now, as all the medical doctors couldn't figure out my head wasn't on straight. I actually ended up walking into a chiropractors office one day, and then passed out, which had been happening to me a lot. He rubbed the back of my neck and it brought me back, and he told my parents there was something wrong with my neck, right then and there. My parents were a bit surprised, I've had about every medical test in the world, and no one could figure out anything wrong with me. So they asked him if he could show them. He told them probably, but I'd have to have two or three x-rays. They agreed, and the x-rays showed my head wasn't in a straight line with my spine, it was actually a little in front of it.

My parents took the x-rays to my family doctor, he about fell out of his chair, when he see the x-rays, sent me for an MRI, and that day I got I was ordered into the hospital that day, if it had went on any longer, I would either be dead, or paralyzed from the neck down, with in a few weeks, because I was passing out so much from it. Once the neurosurgeon, took a look, and seen that my bones had actually grown that way for a while. Believes that the doctor who delivered me actually broke my neck when he did it. And I have no problem believing this, since at 42 days old, he broke my leg, while doing the normal lets see how baby moves test. So I have a very strong belief in chiropractors, but they are like all doctors some will treat you for things you don’t have and others will treat you to help you. So just get a second opinion as a lot of times, the different types of chiropractic can help you faster then others as well. As there are quite a few different schools and methods out there.


I, too, am glad you're coming. It just wouldn't be the same without you. Just remember to pack a heating pad and a baggie for ice...
Hugs to you,

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