Not hardcore but trying

When I was 13 I fell on the ice. My hand was on my neck getting the hair out of my coat and my elbow hit the ground. For the last 60 years my neck has hurt, but this last January I pushed on a bone in my neck and it moved. After years of the doctor asking what my pain level was between 1 and 10, I usually said 11. After moving that bone most of the time my pain was gone or only between 1 and 3. This last week my neck flared up again. Unfortunately besides not lifting I have a dumb belief that eating will make me feel better. I have gained if not all at least most of my weight back.

I think the pain is muscle related this time rather than a pinched nerve.

Carolyn I need to at least try to walk more. I stopped even my step counting. I hope tomorrow is a better day.
Decided not to do another week of single body parts. Today was lite series upper body. Did not like the speed of the workout.
I'm back, I didn't give up. The end of August I spent all my time getting ready for a reunion at my house over labor day weekend. We had 30 people at my house for the three days. Only two slept there but it was a crowd. There were many nieces and nephews that I had not seen for years.

Of course with that many people someone must have had covid because several of us tested positive a few days later. I am finally over it and feel like working out again. This morning was biceps. I'm back to one body part. Tom Venuto just had an article printed about the value of one body part workouts for body builders but also the rest and recovery of that part may be very beneficial to older people. He recommended at least 12 sets for each body part and of course Cathe did at least that. The point was that full body workouts 3 times a week may not get that many sets for each body part during the week.

I increased my weights today and am really feeling it tonight..
I haven't posted but kept up with the single part per day. I had gains in upper body strength but not much on lower body. I had a page from a magazine from 1975 that I have kept all these years. There were 10-12 body weight/floor exercises. You were supposed to do them every day for a month and you would lose an inch. They actually worked then. (I might have been a little younger). I lost an inch in calf, thigh, waist and hips. I started on them 3 days ago and have also added a step program each day. I will add in upper body twice a week.

I also ordered Cathe's Boss Bands+ dvd , the loops, the boss loops :glutes & core dvd and preordered Killer Legs. The bands were missing but I emailed customer service.

I will be going on a 12 day cruise later in the year and think the floor exercises will be easiest to keep up with and then be ready in the new year for the rest. (I don't mind posting that I will be gone since my brother is house sitting.)

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