Not hardcore but trying


I got the email for STS2 about 5 weeks ago and it inspired me to work out again. I also started a diet. I thought to go back to STS to get ready for STS2. I did the first two and then stopped. I did at least stick to the diet. Down 5 pounds and at 72 and always watching calories, that is pretty fast. I received STS2 today and will probably play around with it until a rotation is posted. Since I haven't posted since March 2011, I haven't kept up with other threads. Can I be honest and say that most of the women posting intimidate me. They seem to like working out. It takes me a lot of effort to start a workout even though I don't mind doing it. I usually get around to workout at 11pm. Since this is the Cathe site probably everyone is more hardcore, but if you need more encouragement please post here. Joan
Hi Joan, welcome back to the forums! I once took a long break too ... couldn't remember my user name or what email account I originally used so I had to resign-up a few years back. I agree it does take awhile to get back into the groove & enjoyment of regular workouts. We're not all "hardcore" here, at least I'm not! But at least I now enjoy my workouts after the initial phase. I think there are quite a few of us "senior" Cathletes - many of us modify the workouts to fit our current needs.
I got the email for STS2 about 5 weeks ago and it inspired me to work out again. I also started a diet. I thought to go back to STS to get ready for STS2. I did the first two and then stopped. I did at least stick to the diet. Down 5 pounds and at 72 and always watching calories, that is pretty fast. I received STS2 today and will probably play around with it until a rotation is posted. Since I haven't posted since March 2011, I haven't kept up with other threads. Can I be honest and say that most of the women posting intimidate me. They seem to like working out. It takes me a lot of effort to start a workout even though I don't mind doing it. I usually get around to workout at 11pm. Since this is the Cathe site probably everyone is more hardcore, but if you need more encouragement please post here. Joan
Joan C., Go at your own post. We all have our own cadence!
I really enjoy the LITE series. You can increase the weights to progress & get fit with it. It's also easier on the joints as it's all low impact, except for the cardio crush bonuses. To increase the cardio, I use 1# handweights for Cardio Party & Rev'd Up Rumble. It includes extended stretch bonus to help with flexibility and mobility. Very versatile series for getting back into fitness!
I don't think I have the LITE series. I bought the complete set of all Cathe back before the original STS. I haven't done anything for the last week. My son got married on Sunday and I had family in from several states. But I feel great today, after eating everything and anything I wanted , I weighed the same as a week ago. Back to WW today.
I did the 1rep max before STS originally and am just adjusting to lighter (probably too light) but I am being careful.
Finished giant sets. I am doing the 12 week rotation of STS2. I really like the workout cards.
Since I didn't preview the workout first I just used 1/3 of the weight Cathe used. Sorry to say that is about right. My knees won't let me do lunges. What would hit the same muscles?
Finished giant sets. I am doing the 12 week rotation of STS2. I really like the workout cards.
Since I didn't preview the workout first I just used 1/3 of the weight Cathe used. Sorry to say that is about right. My knees won't let me do lunges. What would hit the same muscles?
Squats? Can you manage those?
Yes I did squats but wasn't sure if it hit all the same muscles. My left knee was sore last night but seems to be ok this morning. I wonder what mobility will be like later today.
Haven't tried static lunges in awhile. It worked when I had my toes against a post so my knee wouldn't go past toes. All other lunges hurt.

I won't be doing mobility 1 again. I am still dizzy and it has been at least 15 minutes. Too much hanging head down. I was surprised that the last position on that dvd I had my feet together and legs flat on floor.
Haven't tried static lunges in awhile. It worked when I had my toes against a post so my knee wouldn't go past toes. All other lunges hurt.

I won't be doing mobility 1 again. I am still dizzy and it has been at least 15 minutes. Too much hanging head down. I was surprised that the last position on that dvd I had my feet together and legs flat on floor.
JoanC, you'll want to be careful with the Active Recovery workout too then ... I did it after an afternoon of gardening & being in the sun ... got light-headed with the up-n-down in the first excercise (inch worm) - I'll probably skip over that excercise next time.

Sorry to hear lunges are difficult ... lunges and squats both work quads & glutes, but the lunges also get the gluteus medius pretty good - you could try firewalkers or clamshells to get that muscle ...
Finished trisets Tuesday and tried active recovery Wednesday. You were right about Active recovery. I picked a few exercises to do and then did some of total body stretch.

I found out I can't do any exercise that involves kneeling-it hurts.

I do like firewalkers. I haven't done them in a long time. On to start of week 2, I didn't even look to see which one it is but I know they don't repeat in order.

yea finished super sets so at least I am in week 2. Looking at week 4 with lower body 1 and 2 , of course lots of lunges. I got out lower body blast, lean legs & abs, gym style legs and great glutes. I'm thinking of adding premix to the weeks 4-9 but I will have to review them. It's been years since I've done one of them . Weeks 10 and 12 don't have any lower body, that seems strange.
.... of course lots of lunges.
Congrats on sticking to it this week!

As your LB strength improves, you may find lunges become more do-able & less painful as the muscles will be able to support the joint more. Have you had the knees evaluated? ... you'll probably be told you have arthritis, but they may be able to tell the extent of the damage. I found avoiding inflammatory-causing foods to help greatly (after 3-4 months) as well as daily collagen/Vit C supplements. I recently read about using some other supplements too but will need to research it before I try it.

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