NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just opened up my push and pull dvd.Timesaver dvd is in that case.The wrong dvd is in the wrong case.I do not the push and pull dvd.I'm very upset.I was looking forward to do this workout.I e-mailed customer serivce.I hope they don't give me a problem.It was their mistake.Now,i have to figure out what workout to do.Has this happened to anyone else?
This happened to alot of people when the blast series was released-I was one of them.It took a couple of weeks for me to get my dvd but it was during a busy time for snm.
With all due respect to scorpio, I can understand how upsetting this could be, but we're all human. Mistakes get made, and I'm sure that if the person who made this mistake and put the wrong DVD in that case knew it, they'd feel terrible that they screwed up and caused someone a problem. Take a deep breath and pick a different workout to do until you get the correct one in the mail. This isn't the end of the world.

I mean, let's put this into perspective here: There are people in India and Sri Lanka right now who would kill to have such a miniscule problem as this. There are people who've been out of work for over a year and families who lost everything on September 11th who would love to just simply get the wrong order, and you're mad that you got the wrong DVD in your case. Here's an idea: If you don't already have the Timesaver workout, pop it in your DVD player and give it a go. You might love it! If you already have the Timesaver workout, give this one away as a gift and do something else until Push Pull arrives. You lived this long without it, what's a few more days? Of course, if you are going to die without it, I can see your concern.

My apologies for being a smart aleck, but I just saw a depressing story on TV about the Tsunami victims and this just seems like such a petty complaint in light of all the problems the human race is facing right now all over the world. We should feel FORTUNATE to have the money to actually buy these DVD's from Cathe, because so many people, both in the U.S. and abroad, have lost EVERYTHING. If our biggest complaint is that we've received the wrong order, then we should count ourselves fortunate.
Catwomen,i never post on this thread due to fact of responses like yours.I just vented and asked if this had happened to anyone else.The first reponse was what i was looking for.
Like you have never vented here...

What is happening to this site!!!!

She just wanted to know if it happened to anyone else!!!!

I for one am taking a break from this place.

SNM usually see to all problems of this nature without fuss. I expect a new DVD will be winging its way to you very soon. It's a bit of a pain, but easily corrected. Don't worry!

I agree. Scorpio - was that REALLY necessary? This site is getting seriously unhealthy. This truly makes me sad to see posts like this. Every night I come here lately excited to talk about fitness and I sware I run across more threads like this that are just completely unnecessary in my opinion. Imagine if you were a brand new person coming to visit this site and you read the above post - I think I would probably be scared to death to ever post. Plus I would be afraid to ever ask a question about a dvd I was interested in or forbid if I ever complain about a prob w/snm.

My 2 cents
Firmscorpio...I had this happen with a $50 PS2 game I ordered for my son for Christmas. The case was correct but when he put the DVD in his was a movie!!! I don't even remember the movie now but somehow there had been a major screw up at the DVD factory! The DVD was even labeled that it was the PS2 game. It was VERY frustrating to say the least as this was a gift and it took three weeks to get my money refunded but I did get my money back on that.

It is always disappointing when we don't get what we are expecting. Hopefully you get this resolved soon so you get your new workout.
Beverly, I looked at your photo are one buff babe woman!! :) :) :)
I had something similar happen with Hardcore. I ordered the entire series, but when they came, I got two Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps, and no Stretch Max. I, too, was disappointed. I e-mailed customer service to see if I could exchange my extra GSBSB for SM. They could not have been nicer. Not only did they get me the correct DVD within a week (and this was at the height of filling Hardcore orders), they told me to just keep the extra Gym Style DVD. (I am, of course, now plotting which friend to give it to, to hook them on Cathe.) Hopefully, your experience will be just as pleasant. Good luck!
firmscorpio, I have been lucky so far. Is this where I knock on wood?...:)...but from what I have read I know SNM will get the problem fixed, it'll be just a time delay. I know I would have been as upset as you!....Carole
Came back to post that I meant my post for Catwoman. Sorry :( Scorpio I was not meaning to ask you if it was necessary? I didn't think Catwoman's post was necessary! I am sure SNM will get your prob fixed within the week :)
firmscorpio, that hasn't happened to me so far. I do have scratched DVD's because they were shipped loose in their cases, but they've worked so far. My Hardcores, especially the Gym Styles, slow down and freeze every now and then. Not every time I play them, just occasionally. I have to stop the player, take out the DVD, place it back and reload. Usually it works perfectly the second (or third) time. I'm tempted to have SNM replace them, but I've heard they only replace DVD's that are truly broken or defective.

I don't have the Timesaver DVD, but I know it's made up of segments of the BB series. I don't know how well chaptered it is, but just in the meantime, you can probably go through Timesaver and see if there are parts of PP you can do?

Thank you for reponsing to my post in a kindly matter.It makes me feel better.I did e-mail them and i will call them.I'm sure they will take care of me.I have supersets scheduled for Wednesday.I think i might do Muscle Max instead.I have tons of workouts to choose from.I was just really siked to do push&pull.
Wow catwoman...lighten up, we all understand that tragedy is everywhere...and those of us who workout probably due so to relieve stress!....scorpio posted her question in the proper place...when I received my first Cathe DVD it was the wrong one...I came to this site and explained my problem and the people on this site quided me and told me what I could do to fix the problem...and they were right..
Scorpio did not go to the tsunami relief site and complain about her DVD problem....I can't believe how mean spirited this site can be.
Hi, If you are really truly disappointed you dont have Push&Pull and dont want to wait to hear back from SNM, I will send you my tape that I never use on monday, if you want. Personally, I think MM or ME or PH are much better workouts, so i wont miss it. Try to not be too upset, okay? Exercise should be a time to enjoy yourself, relax and destress. Let me know by sending me an email personally.
I've been frequenting VF alot more these days and not this site only because of what seemed like alot of negativity. I came back today and was hoping things were alot nicer!!! Oh well!!! Hopefully it will all even out really soon, and get back to all nicety.

WHHhoooooaaaaa! While I do understand that there are tragic situations in this world (and have much sympathy for all those involved), I think that comparing Firmscorpio's question/vent/post to those situations has to be the most OBSURD thing I have read on this forum. YOu need to put your own post into perspective.

Firmscorpio - hope you get the right DVD soon. ;) I really like Push/Pull

:) Christine
Thanks benvonwojo,for that kind offer.SMN e-mailed me.They are going to send me the push/pull-supersets dvd along with a cd mailer so i can mail back the timesaver dve.That was a very nice jesture and i apperciate it very much.Thank you everyone for responding.

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