
My Power Max tape broke Sat. morning! My first Cathe workout ever! The one she signed for me on the road trip! I am so bummed. That thing was very nostalgic for me, & I killed it. :-(

That super sucks!!!! I wonder if you can order it again from, with a special request for an autograph? Seems like something Cathe might be willing to do.

Oh, I would be so bummed! BTW, that must be a really good tape! I don't have that work out yet. I'm working my way down from the Hardcore Series. My collection is steadily growing!

Hope you can get a signed new one.

aw that sucks Laura! but did she sign the cover or the tape? what are you gonna do? order it on dvd? x(

I'm sorry. That's not fair. Did she sign the case or the vhs itself? I guess you can just keep the vhs if she signed that. Maybe you could get Cardio Hits. Power Max is there along with two other great cardio workouts, and a dvd won't break.:)

If it's the tape itself that has snapped, I've actually repaired VCR tapes by putting the two broken pieces together with plain old adhesive tape (make sure the tape isn't twisted). Take care that the adhesive tape is not wider than the video tape (trim with nail or other tiny scissors) and that it lays very flat, don't fold it over. Use a single, very small piece of tape on each side. You will have a very brief skip in the tape, but it should work fine for quite a while longer. And you can always do the same thing next time it breaks, as they tend to break at the same spot later. Good luck.

My kids have broken their vhs tapes before. All I do is put a piece of scotch tape around the break to put it back together. There is a little blip when you play th tape again, but the movie still plays. Hopefully it broke during the credits. HTH

Did not notice you posting the same thing. Sorry.
Laura, they can be fixed. My husbnd used to mend worn out kid's tapes by gently trimming at the break and using crazy glue. There's a glitch but it's restored. Professional shops can mend them as well, the same ones that transfer 8 mm to VHS or DVD. Then you get a new one to use and save the old one as a keepsake. :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Depending on how it's broken, a video rental store may be able to fix it, for a small fee (a couple of buck?). There is usually someone there who fixes the store's videos. Though the fix may require moving the tape itself into a new holder, and if it's the holder that's autographed, you might not want it to be messed with.
Oh goody! It's the cover that's autographed, not the VHS. So maybe it's salvageable, b/c it broke at the very beginning during the warmup. It would be very painful to give it up. In fact I think I'll keep it even if I don't use it & get the DVD.

Thanks for all the support in my hour of need.......:)
Awww!!! I wouldn't throw it away either. But maybe, you can still ask her if you can get another autographed copy.

Sorry to hear your tape broke! I've never had a vhs tape do that.

Maybe you can get it repaired, as others have mentioned, AND then transfer it onto a dvd? Do you have a DVD Recorder?
Laura -- because it's so special you should get it fixed (if it's not too expensive), and maybe still get the DVD and use that most of the time.

PowerMax does rock!


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