Non Meat Protein sources, help please!

I am vegan so meeting my protein requirements is something I've done a lot of reading up on.

It turns out the tofu is the 'perfect' protein as far as plant based foods go. The protein in it is extremely absorable and often the tofu is packed with calcium so it serves as a calcium source as well.

Almonds are excellent in that they are also good calcium sources along with serving as a great source of protein.

Some breads I've discovered also have a high protein count - one brand of bagels (for instance) had 11 g! I think it was Earthgrains but not positive.

Silk's original soymilk provides 7 grams per serving - plus vitamins and calcium!

Someone mentioned Genisoy's soy based protein powder - I use it daily; the regular provides 25 grams per serving, flavored (chocolate and vanilla are the ones i use) provide 14. I mix them up usually.

Seitian (sp?) is another good high protein non-animal food. It will be right next to the tempeh. Tastes like chicken; I find it really tasty!!

best wishes!
Thanks for clarifying! When I said things had to be combined, I meant it loosely, not in the same meal. I do try to eat the complementary nutrient within the same menu-planning cycle. (I usually plan a week's worth of menus at a time so I can plan combinations and so I'm sure to get enough of what I need.)
Thanks for clarifying! When I said things had to be combined, I meant it loosely, not in the same meal. I do try to eat the complementary nutrient within the same menu-planning cycle. I usually plan a week's worth or menus at a time so I can plan combinations (e.g. beans with rice, iron with vitamin C, etc.) and so I'm sure to get a bigger variety of foods.
RE: How did you edit your post??

I noticed your message said you edited it. How do you get back in once you've posted your message?
I've accidentally posted things twice when I thought the first time didn't work. Can I delete the repeated message?
I wish I had better computer skills. Thanks for your help.
Hi Juliee!

If you want to edit a post, call that post back up, then click on "edit" at the bottom of the post. You can add or subtract from it. If you would want to delete a double post, you can hi-light the message and then hit "delete" on your keyboard. The subject title and a blank message box will still remain. (Many posters just write in "double post".) Hope this makes sense. Also, the new forum has an "expiration time" that you can edit within. Not sure how long that is, but I know you can edit anything right away if you goof. Am I talking in circles? :p
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Wendy.

Wow. This thread opened up a lot of new ideas for upping my protein intake, too. (My grocery list has never looked this interesting....)

I'm a big tofu fan -- its probably my main source of protein -- but there is tofu and then there is tofu....:)

The best I've tried is Extra Firm Organic tofu. A couple of brand names I like are Jack and the Beanstalk and Wildwood Farms. If you're fortunate enough to have a Whole Foods market nearby they should have some to try (and most of the other suggestions from the forum).


one more...

Gardenburger Riblets

I saw these recommended at VF a while ago and just tried one - they are delicious. 27 grams of protein/210 calories per serving. They are high in sodium, though, if that's a concern and they are expensive.

RE: one more...

Although I eat meat too, I like vegetarian meals and wanted to get in more soy.

I ordered and don't laugh, it's been a huge help, Vegetarian Cooking For Dummies. Lots of great easy to implement ideas in that book.

RE: Hi Juliee!

Thanks for the info.! It's now too late for me to delete the double entries I made (thinking the first one never got posted). But in the future, I'll know how to edit myself. I've never interacted via internet before so, as you can imagine, I'm learning a lot. Fortunately, Cathe Forum readers are an understanding bunch.
Have a great weekend!

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