No yoga when menstruating?

RE: Autumn!

I turned 36 this year and had my first mammogram this September. It really wasn't so bad - the lady was very gentle and nice, and she even showed me the pictures afterward.

Susan G.
RE: Autumn!

Autumn, here's a link to an imformative site regarding endometritis

I find the topic of menstruation and yoga interesting since in the past few years, my periods have become very heavy and it is awful!! I think it's due to peri menopause and I am having a physical in January and I'll discuss it with my wonderful doctor then. I have to schedule my first post-forty mamogram before my physical but I had my baseline at 38. I am not so worried about endometritis since I have am beyond the baby stage and had a tubal a few years ago. Plus I have no other symptoms other than heavy periods and as I said, I think that's peri menopause. It is interesting that from the time I am PMsy right until the P comes, I can rotate my head 360 degrees without special effects. Eat your heart out, Linda Blair!

I have been going to every day to help woman get those mamograms and I encourage everyone to visit the site daily to help. Since it's Breast Cancer Awareness month, they increased our clicking power in October with he aim of providing 300 momograms. I saw today that they exceded that goal and it's such an easy way to help! I made it my home page awhile ago so I click pretty much every day. And God Bless caregivers such as yourself, who enrich the lives of women and in doing so enrich the lives of everyone!

By the way, Autumn, I think you have the most beautiful name.

Chicks's Rule! Bobbi

Ladies, I am so pleased to hear you had your mammograms!!!! DebbieH, thanks for saying I wasn't rambling... I tend to become very passionate about women's health. :)

Bobbi, thank you for the site and the compliment about my name. I did a medline search and couldn't find anything that stated the cause of endometriosis is known, just more theories. I really believe it is a combination of many variables that allow for the disease to develop. Anyway, I just want ot make sure I am providing the most up-to-date, evidence based information. It is very challenging in health care! :)

Oh gosh, I forgot to thank you for the kind blessing Bobbi. Most of us only wish could do more.

Happy Halloween everyone!

Thanks for posting the link to "A Woman's Balance: Inversions and
Menstruation," by Mary Pullig Schatz, M.D. - I had come across the article before when my yoga teacher said to avoid inversions during menstruation, and I was somewhat skeptical, like many here. But Dr. Schatz' explanation seemed to make sense.

Dr. Schatz has also written a good book "Back Care Basics -- A Doctor's Gentle Yoga Program for Back and Neck Pain Relief" - the book details modifications for many traditional yoga poses to make them safer.

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