No workouts allowed - how do you cope?


I've been banned from working out due to a couple of stubborn injuries and am seeing both a PT and an OT. Sigh.

I know there are some of you who have had injuries and have had to go for extended periods without working out. How do you deal with it? Working out is as much a part of my mental health as physical, and right now I'm just a big bundle of nerves.
Shannon, I can't give you any advice b/c I've never had any real injuries. But I can give you sympathy--I feel so bad for you! Is there ANYTHING you can do? At least some yoga & pilates for your mental health?

I went through a period from late 2005 until May of 2006 where I couldn't workout due to various illness and injuries. I can definitely offer sympathy because I went through a period of mild depression because of not being about to workout. I would use this time to relax and let your body heal. Try to focus on other areas of your life. For me, the time off allowed me to focus on other areas of my life that I had neglected. Know that when you get back to working out, you will be stronger and have a greater appreciation about your body and being healthy.

I'm wishing you a speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear about your injuries. I can relate as I have been through the ringer myself.

In the last three years I have had a partial tear to my achilles(walking boot & PT), tore my rotator cuff May 06 (surgery and a year of PT/rehab), and tore my hamstring at the sit bones June 07(Crutches & PT again). All injuries occured while sparring at karate and I've come to realize that I cannot push my 46yr old body so hard.

It sucks at first but as you progress in PT and get to add more exercises, it will get better. You can't believe how excited I was to start lifting a tuna can a few months after my shoulder surgery. You start to appreciate the little improvements and look forward to the next step. I lost strength and cardio endurance but it does come back. PT will help you become more in tune with your body and help with any imbalances that might have attributed to your injury.

Do you have a hobby that you can do to help pass the time? I did a lot of reading and that helped. Stay faithful to your PT exercises and focus on healing. I know it is hard but when you finally get the OK to start back, it is a great feeling.

{{{{{Take care}}}}}

Two words: Sleep and painkillers!:D

Seriously, that was it, otherwise it would have been so hard. My sympathies, I know how hard an extended period of "no working out" can be. My advice would be, pick up a new hobby to keep yourself distracted. Stimulate your mind right now,you will be back stronger than ever sooner than you think!:)
Thanks, ladies.

Laura, I'm allowed to do anything that doesn't stress the injuries, which doesn't leave much at all. I'm going to see how floor exercises work for lower body, but I'm not suposed to do any upper body work except core. And cardio - well.... no. The PT said I could try the elliptical if I don't feel any strain, but I know that right now it would bother me.

Jane and JJ - Whew. You've both had some hard times. I know my situation isn't that bad in the great scheme of things. I just have a very hard time releasing the tensions of the day without exercise. Sitting at a desk all day is harder on me than heavy labor!!
{{{{{CUZ}}}}}, I'm so sorry, but I'm really glad you're getting PT and OT involved in your treatment. A structured plan for therapy should make a big difference in your healing.

You said you're not supposed to do anything for 3 weeks? That's not so long -- really it isn't. I don't think you'll have any substantial losses in your fitness level in that amount of time. OTOH, maybe you could do short, steady state elliptical workouts instead of the intense interval workouts you've been used to -- just to keep minimally active.
Shannon, I feel for you! I fell off the step and hurt my ankle way back in August and I'm just now feeling comfortable doing step again (and that's only because of the meds an orthopedic surgeon gave me). I have a PT appointment on Monday because I still have some twinges with that ankle. I should have seen the doc much sooner, so be glad you're getting checked out and that hopefully it's just the 3 weeks. I was at least able to do upper body (though it got pretty boring). Can you do anything like stretching or yoga? I hope you heal up soon and make sure you stick to whatever the experts tell you!

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
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I have only had short periods of time that I could not workout due to strained neck or back muscles. Usually only lasting a week or two. But I do sympathize with you.

How about some Qigong exercises to help heal the body? Acupuncture can also speed the healing process, Chinese herbs can help strengthen the muscle, bone and ligaments so that these tissue heal quicker and become stronger to help prevent future injuries.

Just a thought...I'm an acupuncturist and treat various types of injuries in my clinic all the time, in most cases in conjunction with other therapies. edie
Shannon, is there any way you can bring deep-water zero-impact training into the mix? Do you have access to a pool, and an Aqua Jogger or similar waist-wrap float device? If so, I could suggest some good workouts for you.

I have been in the hospital and they still allowed me to work out....I had to work out differently though. I could do isometrics at least. I also had some stretching things I could do. Physical Therapy set things up for me. Can't you do the same?
Annette - Nope, no pool access, no gym membership, nothing like that. But thanks for offering your help!!!

Jamn - I can do stretching and walking, as long as it causes no discomfort. I suspect the OT would frown on isometrics right now, but I'll ask at my next appointment. Thanks!

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