no workout room


My daughter and her Boyfriend have been sleeping where I work out and now I don't have any place to workout right now, I hope soon I can get back to working out.
till then I ride my bike daily
That would make me nuts. I like to think of myself as this cool, hard-to-ruffle, serene being, but take my workout area away from me, and I get mean.
Well, it is nice of you to loan them your space, but I hope they realize what you are giving up for them, appreciate it, and then find a place on their own soon. Meanwhile, a good bike ride is great exercise :) You can get off of the bike and do some squats, lunges, push ups, dips, etc. I guess try to look at it as a change of pace for you - something different. BTW - love the sweet kitty in your avatar!!
yes it is a kitty, but it was supposed to be animated LOL
I am going to kick them out of my space in the morning :p I am so looking forward to working out
That would make me nuts. I like to think of myself as this cool, hard-to-ruffle, serene being, but take my workout area away from me, and I get mean.
Oh, I'm so with you there...

My workout room is our spare room too but I don't have to many guests and everyone knows I they get out...but my bedroom is big enought that I could workout there if I had to.

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