Thanks again...
I have webtv, so I'm probably out of luck for awhile. So, from what I remember, there will be: Franny with a hi/lo & a step workout with some kickboxing moves mixed in, Helen Vandenburg with a real tough bootcamp(?) workout, Linda McHugh with something?, maybe a Dona Read tape, then the 2 tapes you mentioned. Well, I ordered Christi's new tapes yesterday, I plan on ordering all of Cathe's next week (I am juggling credit cards), then I know I will order Franny's, but I'm not sure if I want any of the other CIA's. Maybe Helen's or ?, but I will have to save room for Mindy, who will be working with CIA again next fall (like I have any room for any new tapes now.) Do any of the CIA's sound interesting to you girls/guys?