No beginning stretches - love it!


First let me say ... I just did Step, Jump, Pump for the first time and absolutely love it, I can't wait to get to the others as well.

There is an active warmup but no stretches and I love that format. When i was training to run my 1/2 marathon last June I read so much on how you could hurt yourself more by stretching before you exercise while your muscles are cold than a GOOD stretch afterwards. It didn't take much time to realize how true that was and I'm so happy to see that Cathe has adopted this concept in the new series. The warmup is enough to get you ready to go and the stretches are great at the end.

Just my two cents worth! :)

Cheers, Marcia :)
Now see Marcia, I had a slightly different take on it!:D Being the "Cathe-ite" that I am I just "assumed" about 9 minutes into it that the stretch was coming any second, thus giving me the opportunity to swallow hard and wipe the sweat off my brow, HOWEVER, 9 minutes came and went, 11 minutes came and went, 15 minutes came and went and then it hits me, "OH s**t! She's not going to stop!":D
But I LOVE it too! The step portion is only about 25 minutes so it was really cool to get right into the workout.


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!

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