
As a fellow Canadian, Shelley, you have no choice but to love everything they put out.

Cheryl - I refuse. I don't care if it's unpatriotic. I also refuse to love Celine Dion, Shania Twain and Alanis Morrisette:p

Evily - do you remember last summer, me diving to change the channel on your car radio every time a Nickelback song came on (which was far too frequently, IMO)?!
Okay, Shelly, you don't have to like the above 3 mentioned even though the latter mentioned is just so darn cheerful. How about the one hit wonder who sang "Black Velvet and that Little Boy Smile"?

Alannah Myles. Nope, don't like her either.

What about the GOOD Canadian bands, like The Tragically Hip, Billy Talent, Arcade Fire (TeTe will back me up on that one)... I like Sarah McLachlin's early stuff too. We have great music. It just irks me that the ones who make it so big can only write one flippin' song.:p
I hear you on the one hit wonder songs. There was also a singer from Calgary that sang "How to Be Insensitive". I really liked that song, but have yet to hear another from her. How you know all the names of these singer is amazing. I know the song but not who sang them.

I'm not Te Te (sorry 'bout that), but I will back you up on Arcade Fire. Also the Cowboy Junkies are Canadian and IMO, they are great!
Yech, Nickelback, Nickeback, Nickelback, Nickelback...over and over again. Even if you liked THE song, how could you get past the hair/eyebrow fiasco?

Sigh...The Hip, the just keep getting better, don't they? I love World Container. :7

The Hip are brilliant. I don't have World Container yet. I aspire to seeing them live, but they sell out so quickly around here it's nigh on impossible to get tickets!
Conversation with hella cool Canadian friend (HCCF)hearing Nickelback on the radio

HCCF: Ooh! Nickelback! They're Canadian
Me: So is Karla Homolka
HCCF: Oh dear!

So, have I told y'all how much I loathe ol' Nickelback

I just usually throw my back out trying to get to the radio to change it. Except that my co-worker listens to a radio I have no control over, so I just go to my happy place.

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