Nice Shape and Form

Any suggestions on the best DVD's to develop the best shape and form? I've been so concerned about trying to build muscle and when I was at a baby shower this weekend I noticed one of the moms there had great shape and form to her arms. It hit me, I do need to concentrate on my shape and form too. Any suggestions as to what has worked for you? Thanks guys.
The shape and form you'll develop is pretty much genetically determined, but a balanced program of weights (to build the muscle) and cardio (to burn the fat the covers the muscle and may disguise the shape) is key. Stretching is also essential to keep muscles supple and avoid injury. Rest and recovery is also important when trying to build muscle (which gives the roundness and shape).

Since I have no idea what your program is like now,or what workouts you already have, I'll just give some general observations.

For cardio, interval training is a way to burn more calories in a shorter period and make your body burn fat more efficiently.

There is no "best DVD" for these purposes, IMO, but I would recommend sticking with the strength-building weight workouts (Slow and Heavy, PS, Pyramids) for a while, then using some endurance workouts for a break.

Here's just an "off-the-top-of-my-head" example of a rotation (I am shamelessly adapting P90X for this!). It will give you an idea of how to set up a balanced program.

Strength-building phase:
Day 1: Slow and heavy chest/back with ab work
Day 2: Imax 1 or 2
Day 3: Slow and heavy arms with ab work
Day 4: stretch or yoga
Day 5: Slow and heavy legs and shoulders (though if you have the pyramids, I think PLB is a better balanced lower body workout)
Day 6: kick/punch and crunch or cardio kicks (those punches are really great for developping shapely arms and shoulders)
Day 7: stretch or rest

Make sure to get good rest (you may need an extra hour of sleep per day, or an afternoon nap) and good nutrition.

Do this for 3 weeks, then take a recovery week:
Day 1: Steady state cardio (step, kickboxing)
Day 2: a full-body, moderate weight workout (ME, Push and Pull, Supersets, PH, or to add more cardio, BC or or one of the cardio/weight circuit workouts: Circuit Max, Body max)
Day 3: stretch or yoga
Day 4: steady state cardio
Day 5: full-body, moderate weight workout
Day 6: kickboxing or step
Day 7: rest or stetch

The next three weeks, repeat the first rotation, but substitute PS workouts for Slow and Heavy. Follow with another recovery week. If you don't have PS, you could substitute the pyramids, doing each one twice a week.

If you don't feel you're getting enough cardio with this rotation, you could add a cardio session to one of the weight days, separating the two workouts (cardio in the morning and weights later in the day or vice versa).
Thanks so much for your reply. You would suggest the heavy workouts to help develop the shape rather than the endurance based workouts. I thought that maybe because they use lighter weights and possibly more reps that would be better. Thank you very much for your suggestions.
The heavy weight workouts will build the muscle, and thus the round shape, while the cardio, and the endurance workouts and circuit workouts during "recovery" weeks, will help burn more fat, to reveal the muscle you've built.

Let me know if you try this and if it works (give it a cycle to see if it does).
Thanks again for the information, I was doing PUB/PLB and was going to do a 4th week of that but I think I'll stop and go ahead and start now with the Endurance rotation. It'll probably feel like a good break. Thank you again, I appreciate your knowledge.

I'm going to give your rotation a try. I've been in a little slump lately (been sooo busy with end of the year school activities with my son) and haven't been as "good" as I should! This sounds like what I need to get my interest peaked again!

I always enjoy reading your posts. You know your stuff and have a great way of getting your message across!

Kathryn, I just wanted to chime in to say how much I appreciate your informative posts as well. I can't tell you how many of them have helped to clarify things for me.

I'll be going to NJ next week for a few days and then to Germany (for four weeks!) where I'll mostly be biking, walking and doing yoga and Pilates DVD's when I get a chance. Your rotation sounds like just the ticket when I get back at the end of July. Thanks for posting it!:)
Kathryn...question for you!

When doing PLB in place of S&H Legs, would you do the entire pyramid or just the up or down premix?

RE: Kathryn...question for you!

Whatever works best for you. I prefer the entire pyramid. You can also vary by doing once as full, then once as up or down only (going heavier and pausing between sets...which I do anyway).

Is that vague enough of an answer for you? ;-)
RE: Kathryn...question for you!

I think they call that an "evasive" answer!

Thanks, though! I usually do the full pyramid as well, but I know that some feel it's a bit of overkill. Thanks, too, for using the P90X as a guideline for the rotaion. I'd love to purchase the 90 set, but just don't have the extra money right now to put out!

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