Next Step


Hi Cathe,
I am looking for my next challenging workout. I'm looking for something with lower impact (It can be mixed) and I need to use lighter weights. I love your Low Impact Circuit, Cardio and Weights, Step, Jump and Pump and Step Blast. I am looking at your 4 day Split, Body Max 2 and KPC. Which do you suggest? Other people may want to give some advice here as well as Cathe.
Hi Cathe,
I am looking for my next challenging workout. I'm looking for something with lower impact (It can be mixed) and I need to use lighter weights. I love your Low Impact Circuit, Cardio and Weights, Step, Jump and Pump and Step Blast. I am looking at your 4 day Split, Body Max 2 and KPC. Which do you suggest? Other people may want to give some advice here as well as Cathe.

Jamn, in addition to the ones you've listed, have you considered Low Max from Cathe's Hard Core series? This one is entirely low impact in that one foot is always in contact with the floor; it is a cardio workout with 7 cycles of mid-range intensity choreographed step and simpler-choreography intensity blasts. It contains several premixes including a mid-range-step-only premix and a blast-only premix. The neat thing about this one (actually, one of many neat things about this one) is that you can intensify the blasts by holding a weight plate, med ball or handweight that is easily gripped during the intensity blasts to boost the intensity even more if you're feeling enterprising. (Please check the Video Discussion forum via the Search mechanism for my post "Low Max Intensifier - Grab The Med Ball!" for a complete description.)

Body Max 2, in all honesty, will probably have more impact than you appear to desire, unless you're able to modify the workout simply by taking any propulsion moves down; that itself might be difficult to do effectively during the power circuit segment. If you like Step Jump Pump, I think you'll like KPC and its companion workout Legs & Glutes, both as stand-alone workouts and the many premixes that shuffle those two together. I personally found the choreography of 4-Day Split's step routines to be beyond my meager (very meager) coordination capabilities, but you are probably better at choreo than I am.


thanks for the response

Thanks for the response Aquajock. I do indeed have Low Max and I like it a lot. Those blasts are challenging for me. I do like the idea of KPC. I do not have a stability ball. Is that needed for that one or can you modify without it?
Thanks for the response Aquajock. I do indeed have Low Max and I like it a lot. Those blasts are challenging for me. I do like the idea of KPC. I do not have a stability ball. Is that needed for that one or can you modify without it?

Jamn, you do need a stability ball for at least half of KPC's core workout (an all-time favorite, done to an aerobicized version of the original "Jurassic Park" theme); this might be your good motivator to get a great piece of equipment. I haven't looked at Legs & Glutes in many a moon so I can't remember if a stability ball is used and if so can you modify without it.

Hi Jamn! Have you watched a film clip for Drill Max or better yet, Cardio Fusion (all cardio premixes combining Drill Max, Low Impact Circuit, and Body Max 2)? The group you mention is good too but the cardio on the 4 Day Split might not be long enough for what you want and Body Max 2 has a fair share of high impact step. As long as you like kickboxing, I think KPC will work well for you. Best thing is to watch the video clips to see if these all have what you are looking for. Good Luck!

Hi Cathe,
I am looking for my next challenging workout. I'm looking for something with lower impact (It can be mixed) and I need to use lighter weights. I love your Low Impact Circuit, Cardio and Weights, Step, Jump and Pump and Step Blast. I am looking at your 4 day Split, Body Max 2 and KPC. Which do you suggest? Other people may want to give some advice here as well as Cathe.
Cathe Thanks

Thanks so much Cathe for your response. I think I'll try Cardio Fusion and KPC! BTW you are so motivating, and I really appreciate your forums!

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