Cathe - Last time, I suggested a Periodization Series (when you were asking for suggestions prior to the BB series). Since the topic has been opened again, I'm taking another shot at asking you to consider this idea. Here's how it would work:
A segment of strength building, similar to Slow Heavy;
A segement of endurance strength training, maybe like the CXT upper body series with a Legs/Glutes type leg workout;
A "recovery" series--maybe low wght/high rep tapes for upper and lower body
The idea is that you do series A (strength building) for 4 weeks, series B (endurance) for 4 weeks, and series C (recovery) for 2 weeks.
At the risk of being selfish, I really miss your hard core strength work. Slow Heavy has done marvelous things for me, and I would LOVE to see another series like that one.
No pressure, Cathe, to get working on the next bunch of DVDs/tapes (haha, just kidding). Whenever you decide to start working on a new series is fine w/me, as I now have more than enough to keep me challenged and mentally/physically engaged.