Active Member
Hi!! After about a month of "lurking", I finally decided to join in the fun. I am working mother and wife (with a two and half year old) who LOVES Cathe's workouts. After years of going to the gym, I finally gave that up in March b/c it was too much of a hassle. I decided to turn to workout videos at home. I started with the obvious ones (those workouts only availabe in stores). They held my attention for about a week. I stumbled upon the videofitness website one day and that is where I found Cathe. The first Cathe video I ordered was MegaStep Blast. I really thought I was going to need an oxygen tank to help me catch my breath--and that was just getting through the first two step sections. It's hard to believe how far I have come in a few months. Now, I am a true believer. I really do think that I am in the best shape I have EVER been in. AND I've finally learned to IGNORE the scales. I have all but maybe one or two of her DVD's and I am VERY excited about the new Body Blast Series. So, I just wanted to say hello and I'm looking forward to being a part of this forum. ( and I'm sure my husband is too, b/c he's tired of hearing me gush about Cathe and how wonderful the workouts are all the time!!)