Newby needing rotation help...


My DVDs will arrive tomorrow. Here's what I bought...Ab Hits, Intensity Vol. 3 (pyramid upper/lower) and Classics. I'm looking to reduce body fat (I'm currently at 25.5 %...5'5" & 134...medium frame) and tone up. Problem areas are lower body (hips, inner/outer thighs, butt). Abs are coming along but I'm impatient and I want results TODAY! I'm aiming for definition, not necessarily to be "she-woman" who can lift more than my husband. My normal workout with "The Firm" was 2 days cardio (however, heart rate was getting up with lower body so I was still in aerobic zones) and 3 days lifting (one upper, one lower, one both). I'm willing to add in one more cardio if at all possible (to reduce the body fat). Also, I have just a little over an hour to get this done (during naptime). Any help that could be given would be very, very appreciated.

Hi, Sue,

I'm not the expert that some here are, but I don't want your question to go unanswered.:)

With the workouts you've purchased, I'd probably work out 6 days a week in order to hit each body part twice a week and get in several cardio days.

Something like:

Mon: Pyramid Upper 20-30 min cardio till nap time is over.
Tues: One of the Cardio Hits workouts/Add Ab work from Ab Hits
Wed: Pyramid Premix-the combined upper and lower body workout
Thurs: Another Cardio Hits workout/Add Ab Hits
Fri: Pyramid Lower Body...maybe another short cardio
Sat: Another Cardio Hits/Ab Hits if you dare!

Just one idea. Actually, it looks a lot like what you were doing with the Firm. You could do the Pyramid combo 3Xweek and cardio 3Xweek. OR, you could do the combo twice a week and do 4 Cardio Hits workouts with added abs.


Thanks for answering. I had already figured out a rotation...since I only have about an hour a day, sometimes an hour and a half, one week I do PUB/ab hits twice a week, PLB/ab hits x 1 day, cardio x 3 days. The next week I alternate and do PLB/ab hits x 2 days, PUB/ab x 1 day and cardio x 3 days. Thank you though for your input!

Here's my suggestion

Day 1 - Step Jam plus one selection from Abs
Day 2 - Pyramid DVD (Bonus combo)
Day 3 - Step Heat (includes ab work)
Day 4 - Rest/stretching video
Day 5 - Pyramid DVD (Bonus Combo)
Day 6 - Step Max plus one selection from Abs
Day 7 - Rest

You get three days of cardio, two upper and lower body workouts, three abs workouts, and two days of rest each week. The routine takes less than one hour.


Thank you for that rotation. As you could see above I had come up with my own. I read yours but didn't really consider it until late last night. For some reason I started mulling over what you posted (you know, really thinking) and realized hey, so THAT'S what that premix thing is all about! I'm still getting the hang of this DVD thing. Again, thanks for the input.


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