Newbie Ques: How does one Sort Through these Tapes???


I apologize if this is an incredibly goofy ques but I have roamed a bit on the home page and am having trouble sorting through all these different tapes. The descriptions are not very helpful and while the video clips are, some tapes don't have the right video clip and the video clips take a while to watch.

Is there any place on this site which gives an overview of the work-outs, the philosophy behind each series and a useful description of what's in each tape? e.g what's the difference between all the different strength tapes etc etc.

RE: Newbie Ques: How does one Sort Through these Tapes...

Hi Ines!

I would suggest that you visit the Videofitness website. There are extremely detailed reviews by people who have done the videos. Here is a link to the list of Cathe reviews by title:

It may take some time, but it's worth it in my opinion. Have fun!

RE: Newbie Ques: How does one Sort Through these Tapes...

I agree, Video Fitness is the best place to get reviews. Feel free to post questions about a particular series if you want more info as well, we can help answer your questions about the videos.

Or if you want a recommendation based on your goals, we could try to help you pick some videos that way too.
RE: Newbie Ques: How does one Sort Through these Tapes...

thanks guys.

I actually started out on videofitness--that's how I found this website.

However, videofitness doesn't review a lot of cathe's more recent videos. Like there are no reviews for the intensity series.

I have about 15 lbs. of post-partum fat I want to lose. This is what I am looking for:

1.) I am looking for a rotation of cardio videos which will challenge me without a lot of high impact since my shins and knees won't bare lots of impact.

2.) I am also trying to do more weights than I have in the past and am struggling to understand how her weight videos differ. I know there are different theories about weight training out there (slow & heavy vs. lots of reps as one example) and I am not sure what philosophy the strength videos follow. It seems like a mixture? How would one contrast Muscle Endurance vs. Pyramid Things vs. Slow & Heavy?
RE: Newbie Ques: How does one Sort Through these Tapes...

I would use your name but I just don't see it on this reply form.
My name is Connie.

Anyway, how about the philosophy "Just do it" like Honeybunch says? Do endurance work (Power Hour, Muscle Endurance, CTX series to an extent) and regular strength work (Pure Strength series, Pyramid Upper and Lower) and Slow Heavy (The Slow and Heavy Series).

Do them all. Otherwise you'll be bored. Variety is the spice of life!

Now just do it!
© Nike, then Honeybunch

Step Max, Step Jam, Step Heat. These are step cardio workouts with some of Cathe's more basic choreography, but still intense cardiovascularly. These are usually recommended to start with.

Mega Step Blast: ditto the above

The Wedding Video: ditto the above, but after the cardio section there is a beginner/intermediate strength workout using dumbells, working upper and lower body

Power Max: a powerful step workout, slightly more complex choreography and more intense than those above

Step Fit: again, a faster paced, more choreographically challenging step workout

Step Works: one of Cathe's most complex step tapes, very fun choreography

BodyMax: First section: step workout, quite fast paced, medium complexity as far as choreography goes. Second section: Step sections circuited with leg work using a barbell. Very high intensity. Third section: upper body work, fast paced, endurance stuff. Then abs. This is a very tough workout!

MIC: very high impact hi-lo workout followed by intense step routine which includes a few intervals on the step. Considered one of her hardest--a love it or hate it deal. The choeography is moderate.

Imax: an intense interval workout on the step, alternating not-too-complex-choreoraphically cardio segments (but still intense!) with very high intensity powerful moves on and off the step.

Rhythmic Step: Probably Cathe's most complicated choreography. Very fun step workout.

Cardio Kicks: a Cathe style kickbox workout, all cardio. Can be modified to lower impact in some areas. No abs.

Circuit Max: alternates cardio (step, kickbox and HI-lo) with weight work for upper and lower body. The cardio is very high impact and hard to modify if needed. This is an exhausting tape! You probably wouldn't build much strength with this, it is more of an endurance cardio workout--most don't consider it a weight workout.

CTX series: per tape:half hour cardios, (either a mixture of kickbox, step, hi-lo or all step). Each cardio segment is followed by 10-15 minutes of endurance weight work using dumbells and a barbell. One body part per tape. Ab work is include on most, if not all of these tapes.

Leaner Legs: included in the CTX series, this one contains no cardio. It is an endurance workout for your legs using a barbell and dumbells. Ab work too. TOUGH!

Pure Strength: Kind of a combination of strength and endurance, broken up into back/biceps/abs, chest/shoulders/triceps, and legs/abs. Uses barbell and dumbells. Great form pointers of course. More emphasis on strength than endurance (?)

MIS: Also a combination of endurance and strength, a slightly faster pace than PS. This one is a total body workout,but can be split by doing the leg segment one day and the upper body segment on another day. Uses barbell and dumbells.

Power Hour: a total body endurance workout uisng barbell and dumbells. HIGH repetitions using medium to light weights. (Similar in style to Leaner Legs, but for your whole body) Unless you have the DVD, it is more difficult to break this into upper body and lower body days, because the lower body work is interspersed. Faster and lighter than MIS (?)

Slow and Heavy series: Considered a strength workout, this one uses heavier weights, 8 repeptitions of each exercise for 3 sets. Broken up into a push-pull method (triceps with biceps, chest with back, shoulders with legs) Very slow, lots of rest between sets. Great for form pointers. Uses mostly dumbells for upper body. Includes ab/plank work.

Intensity Series:
Imax II: cardio on the step, alternated with high intensity blasts of cardio on and off the step. Not as intense as Imax I. Actually pretty fun!

Muscle Endurance: Weight work to gain endurance using barbells and dumbells. Power Hour's cousin :) Or sister.

Cardio and weights: a much easier version of Circuit Max, uses only dumbells. Fun step choreography only. Also wouldn't be considered a true strength training workout.

Boot Camp: can't comment--havent' done it, but I would say it's just an overall everything workout! Uses weights for upper body, has high intensity cardio sections, works your core to the core!

Pyramid Upper and Lower Body: I'm still not sure if these would be strength or endurance weight workouts. Due to the extremely high number of repetitions in these tapes, I would lean toward endurance. You can go heavier and just pyramid up or down and maybe call it strength.

These are just my perceptions of Cathe's workouts. I may be wrong... Did I miss anything?!

Hope that helps a bit...
Thanks so much guys!

Wendy, I am printing out your post to keep it handy!!

With regards to the step workouts, it appears from watching the video clips that some like Step Jam are less high impact than the step sections of Power Max as an example. Any thoughts on which ones have less impact? Or are they all a mix and I should learn how to modify effectively?

>Hope that helps a bit...Wendy >

Wow - a lot! What a great breakdown. I cut and pasted that one for future reference!

Ines - I find Step Heat to be fairly low-impact. Now for me personally, I do all of Cathe's step tapes but modify almost everything to low-impact (except IMAX, where I allow myself to do high-impact).

I don't know if it's intentional, but with Cathe's workouts, MOST of the step is easy to modify to low-impact. There are definitely some parts that are harder, but generally speaking she usually just adds jumps to things, and you can just take out the jumps.

So for pretty low-impact, I would recommend Step Heat to start with (and Step Jam is also a good choice, although it's more midway between very low and very high impact, as her videos go).

I have found that there are lots of great lower-impact videos out there, and have purchased many - but no one matches the energy of Cathe workouts, and the intensity. Even modifying for low-impact, her workouts are still intense and will challenge you, in a fun way!

Good luck and feel free to post if you have more questions!
Wanted to add one more things regarding your weights question. I think the general wisdom is that you want to include both muscle-building strength workouts as well as muscle-endurance workouts in your rotation.

The Pure Strength series is a muscle-building rotation and it's a great series of videos. It consists of three videos, one for legs/abs, one for back/biceps/abs, and one for shoulders/triceps/chest. I combine the two upper-body videos on one day for a workout of around an hour, and do the legs/abs workout on another day. That's 2 days of strength-training.

Then I devote another day of the week to an endurance workout - I use the Firm currently but you could use Power Hour, MIS or Muscle Endurance.

If you're planning on working out 6 days a week, this type of rotation works well, because that still leaves 3 days a week for aerobic workouts.

BUT, if you don't want to devote 6 days a week for around an hour for aerobics and strength training, that wouldn't work for you.

If you're looking for shorter workouts, probably getting a DVD player is the way to go. Cathe's workouts seem to be chaptered well (I don't have a DVD player in my workout room yet, so this is just what I've heard), and that way you could arrange shorter workouts. Like if you wanted to do Step Jam, but didn't want to do a full hour, you could just do the warm-up, first aerobic segment, then cool-down.

Her strength workouts are supposed to be chaptered really well to make them more versatile as well.

Hope someone will jump in if they have better suggestions :)


You say that you have found that there are lots of great low-impact videos out there, and that you have purchased many. Can I pick your brain a bit?

I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out what is right for me for cardio. I have a step and a DVD player, and just ordered a VCR. I like to keep my cardio and strength training completely separate. I think of myself as someone who loves to dance, especially to motown and rock n'roll. Step cardio is a great, easy way for me to get my heartrate into its target zone and keep it there.

I think I'm just looking for a step workout with fabulous music and a few basic steps which are repeated a lot so I don't have to spend weeks learning a routine. Maybe I should just make up my own routines? I have a Kathy Smith tape, which I will watch when the VCR gets here. I'm hoping it will be good. Any suggestions?

RE: Newbie Ques: How does one Sort Through these Tapes...

Hi! Another Cathe newbie here! Just wanted to say thanks to Wendy and KayM for the very helpful information! :D

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