Newbie on a mission, back with SMS/XTRAIN questio

So, I've been doing a variety of Cathe workouts, loving them, and have now invested in both SMS and XTRAIN. I'm sure I'm over simplifying, but assuming 90 day rotations, which one should I do first? My goals are both fat loss and muscle definition.

So, I've been doing a variety of Cathe workouts, loving them, and have now invested in both SMS and XTRAIN. I'm sure I'm over simplifying, but assuming 90 day rotations, which one should I do first? My goals are both fat loss and muscle definition.


Hi Adele,

Regardless of the program you purchase, I would suggest you start with high reps dvds.
STS---meso 1 X-train LEGS, Biceps&triceps and Back and shoulders---not Burnset;)

Why Because repetitive high reps will help you regain back muscle/brain memory.
I suggest you regain it back before starting any heavy program. Once the muscle memory
is there it is easier, to picture AND FEEL the effectiveness of the motion while focusing and executing. Also muscle memory does help gaining more strength .Sorry getting technical.:eek::eek:

All the best,
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STS & XTrain are two different styles of training. Since you have invested in both series, maybe it would be good to look for a rotation with both series. Or just go with Justine's suggestion and do the XTrain series first. The 90 Day undulating workout program found in the XTrain User's Guide will kick it up a notch and get you the results you want!
Good luck on your Cathe journey and keep us updated on your progress.
Hi, beauty, last year I did 3 months rotation Xtrain/LIS, I did lose weigth and gain some nice muscle, somethin very important, clean food is the hard part well for me. I do have the same goal at you, well I always want more when you see resoults.

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