Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cathe's ...


I weigh 160,5'4, I am trying to get to my goal weight of 130. I started at 176 in November. I have discovered Cathe (thank God) on Fit TV, and I love it. I have been doing Basic Step (the video came with my step I bought), pub, slow/heavy series, kick punch & crunch and boot camp (can barley make it through that one!) I also have 8 minute abs, and yoga zone. I have been stuck at this plataeu for a month. I do cardio at the Y 3 times a week for 45 minutes, and at least an hour of Cathe everyday, and karate 2 days a week. Why are things not happening. Is it the weight watchers? Should I stop the WW program? Does any one have any advice for a me. I dont know what more to do. I cant purchase any Cathe video's until I go back to work. Any advice would be so much appreciated. I have been lurking on here for a while, and all of you are such great motivation to each other.....and to me!

Joanna mom of three boys (7,4,2)
Are you eating enough? And are you always doing the same exercises?

I successfully did Weight Watchers with exercise to lose 30 pounds, a loss that I have maintained for almost 3 years. When I hit plateaus, I would mix up my eating AND change my workouts.

The body adjusts to any change, and then the routine becomes less effective. It is recommended that you shake up your routine every 4-6 weeks to keep your body challenged.
You may also want to switch your WW plan. Are you doing flex? If so, switch to core for a couple of weeks or vice versa. Members in my meetings have stated that helps to break their plateaus. HTH
RE: Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cath...

I'm doing Weight Watchers too! Just started about a month ago. I would also ask if you are eating enough. Are you doing Flex? Are you using your Flex points? And are you using your activity points to eat more? And, if you have been doing the same workouts week after week since November, then it's time for a change (which someone already mentioned).

Let us know what you do and if it works. I haven't hit a plateau yet, but it sounds like we have similar goals and would love to know what worked for you when it inevitably happens to me!

:) Nicole
I am doing flex points (on my own) I do not attend meetings, I got my books and sliders off of ebay. I am not familiar with core, but I am using all my flex points for the week, but not counting activity points. Also, I am happy with my progress so far, but I want to be lean, and have good muscle definition (oh my how I would love to have Cathe's arms)!!!! Thanks for your help. All of you are great! I cant wait until I go back to work so I can buy some of her tapes. I TIVO fit TV, and is is frustrating because of the limited workouts.

Thanks again,

RE: Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cath...

I just started with Cathe since January....but I have been lifting and cardio at the YMCA since I started. I use all my flex, but not my activity points. I dont attend the meetings, I bought my books off ebay. The meeting are the same time and day that my son and I take Karate, so I cant attend. Good luck to you too. I know alot of people have had success with W Watchers, and maintained their weight loss too. I have been doing the same workouts over and over again. Maybe I do need to shake things up a bit, if I only knew how!


RE: Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cath...

Hi Joanna -
I had a baby last August and since 6 weeks postpartum have been getting back to shape. I had been stuck at 9lbs to my goal weight for a couple of months until about a month ago I started tracking what I ate with WW points. It got me off that plateau along with vigorous exercise. I've got about 3lbs to go as of today. :)

Like you, I keep variety in my workouts, doing something different nearly every day so my body doesn't get used to the activity. I think that's really important as well as staying consistent with exercise (don't take a month off and go back to it, for example). In my observation, my body has best melted off the extra pounds with workouts that consist of at least 45+ minutes of good, old-fashioned hi/lo cardio and step, and straight-up weight work like the gym style workouts (PUB/PLB also have worked for me). I try to add one interval training workout a week which I think has also pushed me off that platueau. (I haven't worked up the nerve to try her Imax3 yet but that and her HC Extreme are the last in that series I have to tackle!)

About the same time I started WW, I was able to change the time of day I was working out from evenings back to mornings like I used to do before I got pregnant. I think that helped tremendously because my body seems to like morning workouts before breakfast.

Another thing I noticed nowadays is I really can't indulge like I used to because it just sticks a lot easier. For example, the days I eat peanut butter and/or jam on an english muffin or have some chocolate or trail mix or nuts or even a couple of extra slices of deli meat on a salad, I see a gain of a pound or two. :( But there are certain foods I enjoy that I won't give up so I just don't have them as often and that's helped, too.

I don't know if this helps or not but I wouldn't give up the WW. In my opinion, that's the most sensible weight loss program.

Good luck to you!

Nora born 8/23/04
Hi Joanna,

You've gotten some great advice, so far. I'm also currently on WW. I joined last year, and quit after being stuck on a plateau for a few weeks. I noticed that my clothes kept fitting more loose, but the lbs. weren't going down. I realized my weight wasn't budging because I was turning the fat into muscle. But I quit because it didn't make sense to me to keep paying the $10 every week for them to tell me the same thing.

Anyway, I joined back up because lately my eating has been out of control and I don't have as much time to workout because of work (busy season). So I'm back to tracking my points and slowly but surely the weight is coming off.

Good luck to you and a big congratulations to losing the 16lbs since November!!!!! :7

Keep us posted on your progress!
RE: Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cath...

Hi Joanna! I've been doing WW since 7/03, made Lifetime last fall. I lost most of my weight with the Flex plan, but made it to goal with the CORE plan. I think it really goes hand in hand with Cathe and her lifestyle because you are eating very clean. Plus, you don't have to weigh, measure or track!!! I started to panic as I approached goal ("Is THIS all I get to eat the rest of my life?!!), but with the CORE plan I eat larger portions, but maybe don't snack as often. Check it out and try it for 2 weeks - you'll love it!:9
RE: Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cath...

>Hi Joanna! I've been doing WW since 7/03, made Lifetime last
>fall. I lost most of my weight with the Flex plan, but made
>it to goal with the CORE plan. I think it really goes hand in
>hand with Cathe and her lifestyle because you are eating very
>clean. Plus, you don't have to weigh, measure or track!!! I
>started to panic as I approached goal ("Is THIS all I get to
>eat the rest of my life?!!), but with the CORE plan I eat
>larger portions, but maybe don't snack as often. Check it out
>and try it for 2 weeks - you'll love it!:9

What is the difference between the core and flex points?

RE: Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cath...

Weight Watchers assigns "points" to all foods, particularly for the Flex plan. You measure the food's calories, fat grams and fiber grams per serving, and come up with a points value. On the Flex plan, you are alloted a target number of points to eat a day. You are supposed to incorporate their 8 healthy habits, such as a certain number of fruits & veggies, drink your water, get in your milk servings, etc. Each week you also have 35 bonus points to play with. Oh, and you also get points for exercise.

On the CORE plan, you don't weigh and measure or count points. You select foods from a restricted list of foods. Lean meats, whole grains, fruits, veggies, healthy oils, skim milk, etc. There are a few quirks here and there (no bread at all -too easy to binge, certain starches once a day, sugar-free/fat-free pudding is okay). You are also alloted the 35 bonus points for non-CORE foods, such as bread, glass of wine, etc.

It's really a great program - it also really helps those darned sugar cravings!
RE: Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cath...

I'm also doing WW (online) and have just startd Cathe. I've been doing Cathe on and off for a couple of months, but I just started trying to get more strict with a rotation and also with journaling because I've been stuck for a month or so. I'm hopeful that with being a little more careful and being honest with myself about how much I eat and exercise that might get things moving along again. I also started using my body fat analyzer to see if perhaps the percentages shift on weeks when the scale doesn't. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I may also attempt the Core program...but I'm not sure how easy that will be for DH and I to follow. Good luck to you!

RE: Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cath...

Hi Joanna,

I noticed in your reply that you do not count your activity points. If you are exercising with Cathe for an hour each day plus outside activities 5 days a week, you need to eat some of your activity points. :) Just hang in there. :)
RE: Newbie here, is anyone doing weight watchers & Cath...

Hi, Joanna--

First of all, congratulate yourself-- you are doing an awesome job on your exercise! I am new to Cathe too and am also on WW. I have a looonnng way to go... anyway, for a while I was running a lot and had the same problem-- I hit a plateau and was there for months, despite following the program and all my exercise. What I found was that I needed to eat ALL my activity points because I had put myself into a serious calorie deficit with all my exercise. My body thought I was starving so it was holding on to the weight. I find that paradoxically I must be certain to eat enough in order to lose and also to vary the number of points I eat per day (I'm on flex). You might want to try Core plan-- it might work better for you. I see others posters have explained the difference between Core and Flex. I personally haven't done Core because I have some blood sugar issues and Flex is better for me (I need more fat with meals than Core allows to keep my sugar down). But many people find Core works well for them.

Hang in there-- keep up your good work and don't give up. The weight WILL come off.

:) Karen

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