New Videos High Impact



I love Cathe's videos! When you look at all the videos on the market, what percentage are in the "advanced high impact" category? Not too high. It took me a long time to get to Cathe's level and I want to stay there. There is nothing like it on the market. I think there are enough good or great low impact videos on the market and they are still making more. What we don't have are great "high impact" videos out there. Cathe's tapes are the best. From what Cathe has said, her new videos will indeed keep the high impact going. I think if people want low impact, they can find them out there. What I am really trying to say is that I have seen people post Cathe with requests for modifications, etc. Is this realistic considering what she is trying to produce? I for one cannot go to a gym - I do not have time. I need these videos desperately. They are my only source for a good hard workout. I wonder how other "advanced exercisers" feel about this. By the way, I am in my 40s, I am not young and in perfect shape. I have a 19 year old and a 7 year old. However, Cathe has kept me going for a couple of years and I am frothing at the mouth to get these new tapes!
Couldn't agree with you more

Hi Julie,

I don't post often, but I just wanted to voice my agreement on this issue. I buy Cathe's tapes because they are high impact - and they are the absolute best out there. If I can't do a certain move in one of her videos, I just march in place, do a side-up, or make up my own move(this is where I incorporate my famous 'walking-around-the-step-panting' move, mostly done during Body Max) And sometimes, depending on my knees, time of month, etc, I modify a lot. Other times, I don't need to.

I think in Body Max, in regard to power moves, Cathe says something to the effect of "we're not forcing you, we're encouraging you". I personally DO find it encouraging! (even if it is true that after doing Body Max I feel the need for CPR)
Even if I can't do it exactly as Cathe and her crew can, or if I have to modify, I still want it to be high impact for when I CAN do high impact. Also, NO ONE else delivers the kind of high impact, butt-kicking, humbling work-out that Cathe Friedrich does - and I hope it stays that way.

(who is also frothing at the mouth for the new videos)
Same Boat with You Two!!

I also am in my (shhhh latter) 40's and I LOVE the hi-impact. I get sooo discouraged when I go out & spend my $ on a "so-called" advanced video and come home and once again find that I have wasted my money! Like you both, if I ever feel like I just can't keep up for some reason, I just take the impact out or modify. This is why I was so attracted to Cathe tapes. She always has a challenge for us and isn't that what it's all about? ....Another fan who can't wait for the new tapes!!! DebbieH
from someone with a bad knee . . .

I've never had a problem modifying Cathe's tapes to lower impact if my knee is acting up. At first I thought it would be nice to have someone doing the lower impact version, but you know what? I watch Cathe. With all the beginning/intermediate tapes out there with low impact versions, it's just not that hard to modify down.

I guess what I'm trying to say is keep up the high impact moves, Cathe. Even when my knee flares up, I can figure a way to do your tapes. I'll never love anyones workouts the way I love yours! In fact, even when I buy other workout tapes, they always seem to end up on the exchange or donated to the library!

and yes! I can hardly wait to get these new tapes!
Thanks you guys! I have never ever posted to anything before, but this topic has been on mind. I was getting paranoid after reading some of the "modifying" requests. I just had to say something for once. I was also expecting to get clobbered so it was really nice to get support on this issue. You also reminded me that I want to say it is much easier to modify down than to modify up because of music, etc. Actually, I have done it with Cathe's older tapes e.g. Step Max. But Cathe's newer tapes need no modifying up which is awesome. I was on vacation in Orlando a couple of weeks ago and had to get my "step fix" so I actually went to a class at the resort. I kept waiting for the class to start. I could not believe it. Everything was geared to low impact which in my opinion is mind numbingly boring. I want to sweat and I want my heart to pound. Cathe has turned me into an addict but I guess there are worse things to be addicted to. Anyways, thanks again for the support.
New Videos!

I don't post much either, but I agree with you. I also felt the same way about some of the video feed back comments made about Cardio Kicks. I understand that many people don't like kickboxing videos but there are a lot of us who do. I knew if Cathe made this video it would be great (all of them are). I think that sometimes people forget that she has to try and please others and not just one person!!!
I agree also...

A few years ago I smoked like a chimney and I got into a University study to quit. During their physical, I learned I have a resting heart rate of 50. After I quit, I took up running and it dropped even lower. I love hi intensity exercise and really have to move it to feel like I have worked out. Modifications slow things down and drop the intensity. Cathe aims her videos at "an educated crowd" who should be able to modify. I do it occsionally myself by eliminating jumping. I hope Cathe keeps it fast, high, hard and intense! I also hope :) that the choreograpy is "moderate". I find the "complex choreography" label is a kiss of death for me. I just look foreward to trying the new series. I know they'll be great. Cathe is amazing!
frothing at the mouth too!

One more joining the crowd. I am looking forward to Cathes high impact/high intensity workouts. No body does it better.

Cathe has an incredible ability to produce an advanced video that allows newer people to work up into the intensity without sacrificing intensity for the more advanced and familure Cathe fans. All her tapes have great modifications shown throughout the workout...or even before the workout begins, Cathe will demonstrate alternatives for folks who want to modify down or skip the knee wrenching moves.

I work hard to maintain my Cathe-ability...thanks for rewarding us Cath

I always smile when I am doing MIC and Cathe says

good old fashioned high impact is making a comeback. I am with the rest of you guys. I feel it is easier to modify down than up. There are so few excellent videos out there for advanced exercisers, while beginner and intermediate videos are a lot more prevalent. Cathe's tapes are not the kind one tends to grow out of because the intensity is too easy.

Her new tapes are going to be a blast and I am also eagerly awaiting them.


I am one of the people who requested that someone (notice I said "someone", not "Cathe"), demonstrate low-impact modifications during the workouts. I do not see how this would make the overall workout "beginner-level" or "mind-numbingly boring". In fact, if a different exerciser demonstrated low-impact, that would free Cathe to show only high-impact. I am in good I/A condition, and I like advanced tapes. I am happy that there are lots of people who have healthy knees, although many of us are not so lucky. However, Cathe had asked for suggestions on her tapes, and I think the requests for modifications were indicative that she has fans who want to do her advanced tapes without having to march in place during high-impact portions.
I'm with you-

I think one person doing low impact modifications shouldn't bother anyone. I agree that from the original thread there were lots of people who would appreciate seeing one participant (near the front) do lower impact mods. Even for the high impacters, that would make it easier to use if they needed to (injury, pregnancy, knees or feet sore that day). No one wants to dumb down the workouts, just expand the range of those who can do them.
I agree...

with you both. I think it would be great if Cathe could have someone behind her working low impact. We ALL have our days where we can't give it 100%. I don't think anyone has a problem with that and I hope that Cathe can work it out!!
High Impact

Cathe's vidoes are the only ones that give me not only an excellent workout, but I find them more creative and fun than any thing on the market. Cathe's expertise and experience are obvious.

I'm in my 50's - yes 50's - and I had a hysterectomy six months ago. Cathe has been my coach, fitness expert and "friend" throughout my convalescence and recovery.

Thanks, Cathe!
Wow, becca!

I hope that when I am in my 50's I will be plugging away at Cathe videos (oh, and that Cathe will continue to make videos then...ha!). What an inspiration you are - keep with it!

Suzanne...who is scared at the thought of being 39 this summer.

I too, love Cathe's choreography and speed, but I can't do all that high impact. It's not my knees, it's my feet that kill me afterwards. Because of that I haven't bought Cathe's later step tapes, and I won't be buying anything but the weight DVD this time, unless there is one person demonstrating low impact. I have seen requests for low impact modifications posted on this site many, many times and Cathe is known for listening to her audience. I hope she will do so again.

I have the greatest respect for those who can do all the jumping, but some of us are advanced cardiovascularly, but just can't do it. We too, want tapes with something to do other than march-in-place and out, out, in, in.
Hey Jane!

What is ITA? I have seen that several times lately and tried to come up with all kinds of terms. I think alike?? Just didn't sound right. Just curious! TIA or ITA-In THANKS advance!!
thank you for your post, Lindsay

Hi Lindsay,
Thanks for posting that reply. I don't want to make this a "low-impact v. high-impact" debate, or act like, "Rah, rah, Lindsay's right, everyone else is wrong." I just want to say that I don't see how having one person (not necessarily Cathe) actually do the workout using modifications (whether low-impact mods or whatever) will make the video less motivating. In fact, in Cathe's strength videos, you see that happening with the woman named Pat, who is in the back.

I agree...

I am usually working along with Pat on the tricep work and you can usually find me modifying along with Hope doing those @#%& scissors in IMAX. My buddy also skips the up and overs and continues with the move that is shown before it morfs into the up and over. When my exercise buddy and I did Cathe on a regular basis, we have been know to turn MIC...the high low into a low impact kickbox workout. Especially the "old fashioned high impact section"...strong front kicks with punches
wink.gif jacks...squats instead

I don't think it would detract from the workout if some one in back did something lower.


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