New Video Cast

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! I am excited to share our new video cast with you. For Rhythmic Step we will have Cedie, Lisa, Rhonda and Brenda. For Power Hour and the Slow and Heavy Series we will have Cedie, Rhonda, Brenda, and Jai(pronounced Jay and she is our new comer).

Cedie is soooo excited to be able to join us again. She loves being a part of our team and is raring to go. She is also excited because she said these videos have motivated her to burn off those last few baby pounds. She looks great, as always.

Lisa will only be able to do one video with us this time around because she is very involved in the building of her new dream house. We are so happy for her and also happy that she can at least join us for one.

Brenda, our fellow VF friend and hard working cast member, joined us for the first time during the filming of our last 8 pack and has decided that she likes us enough to do it again ;-)! Oh and wait until you see the biceps on her!!!

Rhonda, who has moved to Georgia since we last filmed, has arranged her schedule to fly in to reunite with the gang. We are all excited to see her again. It has been almost a year.

Jai, our new cast member, is also a fitness instructor and loves to workout. Filming a video is something very new to her and she is very excited. She and her husband also own a local restaurant which keeps her very busy.

Well, we're just a couple of weeks away now. Can't wait!!!!!!
Oh My!

You have made my night! I am so excited to hear about the cast! It is sooo good to hear that Cedie will be back. We truly missed her. How neat for Lisa to be building her dream house! Have fun LISA!!! Brenda~you will give us all so much motivation to work hard when we see those biceps of yours! I'll bet it will be a fun time when Rhonda gets in. Wow, it's hard to believe it's been a year! Welcome, Jai!!! Cathe, thanks so much for keeping us informed. It just makes it so much fun!! Have fun you guys! We'll be "seeing" you soon!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
I too am glad to see so many of our friends returning! And a new one! Please Cathe - what is Hope doing? I will miss her!
Thanks Cathe!

I am so excited to have Cedie back again. Everyone was great in the last videos but it's just not the same without her.

I'm thrilled we have a "newbie" as well. How excited.

Thank goodness Rhonda will be able to join too.

Yeah...Brenda is back too.

Congratulations to Lisa for on the dream house. I know she's got to be thrilled:)

:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
YEAH!!! I am glad Cedie is coming back. She has the greatest smile. I love Rhonda as well. I am so excited. I just can't wait for them!!
Hi Cathe! I was SOOO glad to hear that Lisa will be able to do at least one tape. Could you please put her up front this time? I was disappointed though that she wasn't going to be in the Slow & Heavy series. To me she's one STRONG lady! Pass along to her my very best wishes for her dream home. I also had no idea that Rhonda had moved to Georgia. Give her my best wishes too and also to Cedie and Brenda. Can't wait for the new tapes! BTW, on Fox 5 station here in New York they had a segment on slow and heavy lifting and the benefits of it. The doctor that ran the study says it makes you leaner and he had a man subject prove it. So can't wait to see the results on all of us. Keep up the GREAT work that you do Cathe! My best to you and everyone at SNM, Kathy
RE: Yeahhhh

The cast sounds great but I would have like to have seen one of those great guys. Sometimes, it is just nice to see a guy sweat!

:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
RE: Yeahhhh

Hi, Cathe - just to throw in my 2 cents, I am thrilled with everyone who will be participating. I especially enjoy Cedie, a long-time favourite, but all these ladies are great! Welcome to Jai, it will be fun to see a new face also! All you ladies continue to be a real inspiration to me - thank you so much!

RE: Yeahhhh

Okay, I have to add something too. Lately, I have been doing several other cardio videos (for variety) and everyone else in the videos, I always compare to your gang. It never struct me before, but even people who don't talk in an exercise video make a huge impact. Somehow, Rhonda, Pat, Cedie, and the others "connect" with us, without even saying anything. I know this sounds wacky (I have been called worse), but it is true.

I am really excited about the crew on the next project. Thanks for sharing with us. HOW EXCITING!!!!

God Bless,
RE: Yeahhhh

I'll probably find my answer to this question when I get my shipment of new cd's, but here goes: How does everyone know all the cast members' names? I only own 2 videos so I don't know. Like all of you, I bond with certain smiling faces.

Question 2, Who is the little blonde gal, in the wedding video and step heat? She seems to get more and more buffed over time, especially in the pure strength clips. She is my hero! And I love her smile.

Anyone know? I'm sure the answer will turn up in one of my future purchases... :) Kath
RE: Yeahhhh

The blonde is Cedie. Yep, she sure changed from Mega Step Blast. She's an inspiration--you can tell that Cedie worked hard to get those muscles. She's my hero, too. By the way, I like her hair color better in the more recent videos! haha.
By the way, the cast members names are in the ending credits.
Have a good one, Suzanne
RE: Yeahhhh

Hi, Kathy--
You can also go to the home page (at least last time I looked), and click on something about the filming of certain videos (I htink Stepworks and Bodymax). It will show you pictures and info on the cast members...
Wendy :)
Thanks for telling us about the cast members. I'm happy to hear that Cedie will be back, as her smile always has the effect of a pep talk on me when I feel my energy flagging. Rhonda too has so much energy, every one will be great, and looking forward to seeing new cast member Jai too!
RE: Where's Hope?

I will miss her too! She one of my favorites! I will use this opportunity to ask again (I asked in a post above but didn't get a response) WHere is Hope????

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