New user - needs some guidance


:-hmmm I am a newcomer to Cathe videos. Just bought Circuit Max - am working my way through - and Power Max. Love them both! Would like some advice on a rotation. I own dumbells but no barbell. Can any of Cathe's strength training videos be used w/o barbells?
Also, I am not a kid (mid 40's). While I want to strength train to build muscle, my body is not as forgiving as it was in its youth. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)
Welcome! I would suggest MIS for strength. Cathe uses a 35# barbell in this video, but you could substitute with 12# or 15# dumbbells. I would also suggest Body Max for an endurance workout. Body Max is very versitile. You can use it as an aerobic tape one day, and upperbody tape the next, a leg/cardio workout the following day, etc. I STRONGLY recommend CTX for anyone new to Cathe, but that's a lot of tapes to buy at once. What other tapes do you have/plan on getting? Maybe we could come up with a rotation for you. Again, welcome and have fun!

Thanks for the suggestion. From working out with tapes off and on for many years I have a variety of strength training odds and ends as well as varios cardio options. The Strength Training include -
Kathy Smith - Timesaver ShaperBall Workout and Timesaver Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Firm - Abs, Hips, and Thighs and Supersculpting
Karen Voight Lean Legs and Buns and Firm Arms and Abs.

I don't know about you, but I find that the appeal of most tapes wears off after awhile and I can't muster the motivation to use them after a long break. Maybe a rotation is just the thing to break the boredom. I'm kindof random right now and coming off a gym membership.

My goals are weight loss - about 20 pounds - so difficult at middle age - in addition to building muscle. I've been focusing on the cardio, but really should focus on strength as well. Also, I managed to give myself tendonitis 2 years ago from the repetitive curls in the Firm Videos and although it's healed, it took some time!!

Any rotation suggestions are appreciated.
Welcome to Cathe-land! Hope you like it here.
You can pretty much modify any of Cathe's strength training videos to use just dumbbells instead of a barbell. In fact, some of the moves are more comfortable when done with dumbbells instead of a barbell.
Good luck.

Hello there! Welcome to the gang! I personally like to use dumbells when using strength tapes! It gives me a better range of movement and I'm more focused on my intensity level!I also do use a barbell with the strength tapes time to time to make it a whole different focus on my muscles!I recommend using what you have now to get you familiar with the tapes and then make the adjustments in the equipment dept later!If you're looking for rotation ideas-you can check out Liz's site at it's free you just have to log in and then browse to get some ideas!As for what videos to buy?How much do you want to spend? It's hard to pick the top ones with Cathe--!Whichever you buy--your on your way to a better fitness lifestyle--that's for sure!Your friend in fitness~~Francine
RE: newcomer

I'm not Cathe, but I would like to second the nomination of MIS (Maximum Intensity Strength). Since you already have Circuit max, I'd suggest Cathe's strength videos in this order: MIS, Slow and Heavy, Pure Strength, Power hour.

Then there's Bodymax with its upper body section and Circuit max with its light weighted work with balance. CTX is out of this world. Every one is good, and each one has about 10 minutes of strength work for one upper body part. Leaner Legs, however, is all legs.

You can buy each CTX tape separately now. I like CTX Kickbox. I'm 43 and let me tell you that strength work will make a big difference for you! Do not be afraid to increase your weights when you comfortably can.

I also agree that dumbbells can give you a superior workout. I still sometimes sub dumbbells for a barbell. I like my dumbbells.

RE: newcomer

Thanks to all for the great suggestions. I'm encouraged and inspired by your knowledge and successes. The rotation website blew me away with all the wonderful ideas. What a great site! I've decided to add MIS to my library for starters and work in some of my firm and Kathy Smith videos which have been gathering dust!! Maybe I'll add the CTX Kickbox or Bodymax. Oh, dear, so many videos - so little time.
RE: newcomer


And of course there is S&H to get sometime soon! You will find we are great at spending eachother's money!

I use dumbbells almost exclusively - and have been doing cathe for a couple of years now.
RE: newcomer

Still a little confused but getting closer to a decision - even after studying the 50 rotations out on the web. I'm thinking of buying 5 new Cathe tapes including Rhythmic Step, MIS, Pure Strength B&B and Legs, and Body Max. Looks like I'm leaning toward an all Cathe Rotation. I'm wondering if these would make the best rotation along with Power Max and Circuit Max, which I already own.

I'm partial to step over kickboxing and prefer lower impact. Any thoughts - I know, I know - they're all great tapes but since I can't buy each and every one, I want to make sure I'm not missing an important component since I've never put together a rotation before. Any thoughts? Maybe it'd be better to sub. a kickboxing tape for one of the others?
RE: newcomer

Hi Luvz2nit:I also am new to the forum.But have been a Cathe fan for 2years now.I love step and I think you'll really love her Rhythmic step.Once you get the choregraphy down its alot of fun.I think I have all her step tapes and am working on her strength now.I also am in my mid forties.Good luck!
RE: newcomer

Hi, luvz2nit. I think you are right to push yourself a little toward kickboxing. Step is great but kickboxing mixed with step really evens out the stresses on your body, IMO. Also, kickboxing itself is naturally lower impact.

It sounds like you gravitate toward cardio. Please open your mind to more serious strength work as well. A lot of us here have had great success with only 2-4 cardios per week and 2-3 strength only days. That stresses the joints even less, while strengthening them for everyday activities. Joints and their support tissues can be strengthened or reinforced through controlled heavy weight work. By heavy I just mean challenging. The increase in your muscle density makes all your cardio work that much more effective.

RLINNY is right about Rhythmic Step. You'll love it! It does have low-impact portions that really bring up the heart rate, for example the drop squat, pendulum, drop squat- chacha-slow squat- slow lunge! The music is awesome too. Ta ta!:)
Your all cathe rotation

Hey luv2nit! What a coincidence! With the videos that you have in mind-I've been on that rotation for 4 weeks already and 4 more to go! Sun-Bodymax-Mon-Cardiokicks-Tues-MIS-WEd-Rythmic Step-Thurs-Circuit Max-Fri-Powerhour! I originally had powermax in this rotation but substituted it with cardiokicks because all the stepping in one week was a lil to much on my knee!I'm wearing a knee brace for support while working out and I also scrambled my days around to even it out! I'm enjoying this rotation and the only day that I go heavy is on MIS! The rest of the week is no more than 12 lb dumbells and for circuit max I'm using 5's and 8's--mainly 5's though because this is intense enough!I'm more into proper form and focusing on the intensity of this workout not the weights! I'm enjoying my all cathe rotation and it's definitely keeping my body in tip top shape!Have fun with your tapes!Your friend in fitness~~Francine
an idea for rotation

Hey Luv2nit!I wanted to add that for the videos that you have in mind--here's an idea of setting up a weekly rotation--I'm not sure how many days you work out!This was my original week set up-Sun(Powerhour)Mon(Powermax)Tues(MIS)WEd(Rythmic Step)Thurs(Cardio kicks)Fri(Bodymax)--I always use modifications the first week and then fine tune it when I'm off!If no strange aches--I'm with it- or sometimes just slight change---lighten or heavy up on the weights and also make adjustments in step level if needed---I do 8 week rotations! So the fine tuning plan helps me prepare my body for the stress of my customized program for the weeks ahead--You can be on a set rotation for 6 weeks --Your body will be adapted by then.It's your choice on the length of time!Some people still see results into 12 weeks because they are still seeing results--it all depends on your body needs--- (Also using S&H is only recommended for 4 weeks!This program is intense and is meant for short term!You're prioritizing muscle development!)It's best to switch your routine up every 6-8 wks or whatever you stick with and create a total different rotation recruiting different muscle fibers! Use variety in your workouts! It'll keep your muscles guessing and they will be working for you giving you the best possible results!I hope this was helpful in helping you establish future rotations!Have fun! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
RE: an idea for rotation

Totally helpful-:) I'd like to aim for 6 days. I'm so excited about trying my first rotation and hopefully getting to the end of Circuit Max as well. Maybe if I use modifiers, I will make it through. Thanks a bunch for the details!! I think I'll aim for 6 weeks - 2 to finetune and then 4 more. Then I may want to change things up - since it's my first try at a rotation, but if the results are good, who knows - maybe I won't be ready to move on. I'll look forward to sharing my success and thanks again for the tips!!

RE: newcomer


Looking forward to Rhythmic Step.:) I hear you about strength training and I agree about the benefits. My focus on cardio is b/c my activity level is quite low and so is my metabolism, I'm afraid. I thought I needed that focus in order to peel off about 20 pounds. But, I will definitely emphasise strength training going forward (and of course clean up my eating!!). Thanks for the tips and support.


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