New to you & your program


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I am 34, previous dedicated exerciser (at one time my dream was to have a career in fitness - unique physique was going to be the name of my fitness center), have let life (work at job I hate, husband, family etc..) get in the way, and now overweight, out of shape and feeling sad and depressed (cry alot). I am not sleeping well and feel physically and mentally off balance. I eat all the time and eat things I would have never considered putting in my body. I am not myself and do everything to avoid seeing a reflection of myself as well as hiding from people I know.

I have got to make a change. I bought a three month membership at a gym and I am trying to get back into the swing of things, but it doesn't seem to be working (they have mirrors). Every class that I have taken, I have left in tears. I have been reading my fitness books and self-help books and for some reason I can not get out of this slump. I was channel surfing this morning before work and came across your exercise show on Discover. A year ago, I would have been able to do your routine this morning and enjoyed it and picked up a few new steps to pass along to my fitness buddies, instead this morning I watched and honestly just cried.

I decided to check into your web page which has led me to here. I want to try your program. I would like to do an agressive program and really work to get off the additional pounds that I have packed on. I am 5'5", weight at 145lbs, what use to be nice muscle tone is now covered with layers of fat. I feel really good when I weigh 125, I would like to make it back to that level. I know this did not happen to be me overnight and I know that it will take me awhile to get back to where I want to be, I just want to get on the right track. I need to build a little confidence again and it is not happening at the gym and I have decided that I may need to add some work out at home. Please let me know which tapes you think will motivate me and give me results. I didn't mean to take up so much of your time, I just started writing and couldn't stop.

Any guidance that you could give me will be greatly appreciated, I do not know if you know what this feels like, I want it to go away, I do not want to live like this anymore, I would not want anyone to feel like this.

Thank you,

I am not a professional, but it sounds like you may have clinical depression. Have you spoken to a doctor about your symptoms - trouble sleeping, crying, overeating, etc? Maybe therapy and/or medication would help you feel better and help you get back on track with your eating and exercising.
Cathe's tapes are great - I was depressed and overweight years ago and decided to make a change and her videos were the first that I really enjoyed and found challenging.
Hope you feel better soon.
Best wishes,
Hi Terri,
I'm very sorry to hear that you are feeling so down. It sounds like you are taking care of everyone else and not having time to take care of yourself which is very common among mothers. A full time job (especially one that's not enjoyable) and having a family and home to take care of too, can certainly become overwhelming. Sounds like life has become all work for you with little time for enjoyment. You have some great ideas (opening a fitness center with a catchy name). I betcha you're dream will come true some day. Maybe it's just gonna take a little longer, that's all. I have found too, that gym's (and the perfect women in them) intimidate me too much. That's another reason that I work out at home (aside from the fact that Cathe's simply much more fun anyway). I hope you feel better soon. We're all pulling for you.
One more thing...

Are there any medications that you are on that could be causing you to feel this way? Just wondering because I became very depressed and had no idea that the pill was causing it.
Take care!

It sounds like you have the desire to change and that's the most important step. From what you posted, you're only 20 lbs heavier than you would like to be. Try not to be too hard on yourself, I've read many articles on how negative thoughts during the course of a day can really sabatoge one's self-esteem. My suggestion (after a Dr. visit) is to try to change your mind set, which I know is easier said than done. Think positive thoughts and as soon as a negative one tries to creep in send it away! Concentrate on what you like about your appearance - eyes, hair, smile, whatever. And try to schedule a set time for yourself every day to start working out again. Don't get discouraged that you aren't at the level you were before - look ahead, not behind! Make your health and well-being a priority. Set small goals each week, take a walk, do a couple crunches, a couple reps with light weight etc. and each week try a little more. You'll soon be doing Cathe's tapes and hey, there's nothing wrong with modifying or only doing part of the tape until you get your strength and endurance back. I think Cathe's new CTX 6-pack would be good for this, the cardio sections are shorter and each weight section is only approximately 10 minutes. They're challenging, motivating and easily modifiable. And maybe once you get back into a exercise regimen you'll be motivated to improve your eating habits. Check out Fitness magazine - every month there is a feature that profiles people in similar situations as you and how they turned things around, their diets exercise routines etc. You should check it out, very inspiring! This is a great place for inspiration also, the people are so warm and supportive. Anyway, sorry to babble so much! Best of luck to you!
Hi Terri!

I just wanted to WELCOME you here and let you know that there is always someone here to encourage and support you. Erica, Lisa and Lorrie all gave you great advice. Although Cathe's tapes can be very intense, they can also be modified which is something Cathe would advise for someone just starting out. Cathe's tapes are all "Feel-Good" tapes and guaranteed, you try one, you'll love them. Like Lorrie said, you have the desire to change so you've taken the 1st. step!:) It probably would not hurt for you to go for professional help to deal with your problems and be able to talk to someone knowledgeable in the field. Again, we are glad you are here and hope to hear your great reviews of Cathe's tapes. Let us know what you decide. I am waiting on my 8-Pack to arrive but have heard all positive feedback. Also, MegaStepBlast and The Wedding Videos are two good starter tapes. Keep in touch with us!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Hi Terri!

I just wanted to take a moment to welcome you and to tell you that you have found the right place.

Reading your post reminded me so much of where I was at the beginning of the year. I have a two-year-old, work part-time at a job that requires me to do a lot of work at home (which is next to impossible with a little guy running around), a mother who has early onset of Alzheimer's at the age of 62, was involved in a business where the woman I was partners with decided to steal money from the company while I was literally having my baby, and the list goes on and on. To say I was depressed was an understatement! It was an effort for me to get through the day, and most nights I would lay in bed and cry myself to sleep.

For me, the best thing I did for myself was taking the time to workout. It helped me to release so much tension and stress. It didn't make my problems go away, but it helped me to have a clearer head with which to face the world. I now make time to workout, and my husband knows that he better help me make the time to workout if he wants to have a happy wife! :)

Cathe's tapes are an excellent way to go! I have never been a dedicated gym person, so working out at home has always been my first choice. I am currently using Cathe's PS series and alternate that with cardio, which are mostly Cathe's step tapes or an occasional walk outdoors.

Take time for yourself! In the long run, you'll be a better person for everyone, including you! :)

Hi Terri!


I think that the individuals who have responded have said some great and informational things that I hope will help you out. I just wanted to add that I feel Cathe's tapes would be a wonderful way for you to jump back in; they are very inspirational, and like someone suggested, you can modify as needed. (and they are never boring!!!)

I wish you the very best in all your efforts! Keep us posted on how you are doing!

:) Kelli
exercise of any Kind!!

is going to give you relief, assuming you are in shape to do it. Walk, ride your bike, do yoga, and yes, by all means, try Cathe, but don't get discouraged: she is the leader in advanced workouts. Modify, keep up as you can, and do a little more the next time!!! Create a new vision for yourself; you already have: it's 125#!! If that's what you truly want; you'll get there.
RE: Terri...


Thank you for the kind words, I have taken your advise as well as others that responded and set up a doctor appointment. I will see him at 8:30am tomorrow (10/05).

I have ordered some tapes and I working very hard to lift this cloud that is hanging over me. I am not on any medications outside of being overweight and feeling blue all the time, I feel physically fine. I just want to stop crying. I hope to get some answers tomorrow.

I know which direction I need to go in, I have some knowledge of what needs to be done, I just have to get out of this depression and get started.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my thoughts and to respond. I will keep you updated on my progress.

Terri Lynn
Good for You Terri!

Good Luck at your appointment tomorrow and let us know what you think of your tapes. They will surely help lift you. :) Keep in touch with us all! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH

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