Ok, so I'm looking for a new cardio DVD and been looking over some of the older stuff I don't have. (I actually just saw a similar post) I'm waffling btwn the Classics and Low Max (Love the IMAXes, this looks easier on the knees) Not concerned about intensity/choreo/difficulty. Just looking for something I don't have that's fun. As far as cardio, I have the RS+ dvd, KM, KPC, Cardio Hits, IMAXes, DM. Just looking for some fun and something new. I don't have 4DS yet, which I would love, but it's a bit pricey and I just order Pyramids for a new weight workout, so I need to play with those a bit. I really like Cardio Hits, so I think the Classics would be fun, if a bit old school, and seem like good bang for the buck. Suggestions?