new (to me) cardio


Ok, so I'm looking for a new cardio DVD and been looking over some of the older stuff I don't have. (I actually just saw a similar post) I'm waffling btwn the Classics and Low Max (Love the IMAXes, this looks easier on the knees) Not concerned about intensity/choreo/difficulty. Just looking for something I don't have that's fun. As far as cardio, I have the RS+ dvd, KM, KPC, Cardio Hits, IMAXes, DM. Just looking for some fun and something new. I don't have 4DS yet, which I would love, but it's a bit pricey and I just order Pyramids for a new weight workout, so I need to play with those a bit. I really like Cardio Hits, so I think the Classics would be fun, if a bit old school, and seem like good bang for the buck. Suggestions?

I vote "Low Max". I think you'd find it a refreshing change from the impact-infused workouts you currently have. Also, a few months ago I put up a post here on the Video Discussion forum on how to spice up Low Max by using a med ball during the blasts. That might be fun for you too, and something you couldn't do with the Classics.

I'll put a vote in for the classics -- just because you get 3 workouts there -- and it's similar style to Cardio Hits. Hopefully you won't mind the thong leo's!

I'm going to play devil's advocate and recommend that you splurge and get 4DS. If you like the IMAXes and DM, you will LOVE the cardio portions on 4DS. Plus there are lots of premixes.

I have the same favorites (iMaxes, DrillMax), and while I occasionally do one or two combos from LowMax as part of a mish-mosh, I find it a little slow-paced for my tastes. If I have to stick with complex choreography for too long I start to get a little bored. I like the way the iMaxes have little tiny short step portions and then a blast and then you move on - everything's happening so fast the workout is over before I know it.

I still LIKE LowMax! I've done it a lot! But if you like the faster-paced stuff you'd probably dig the Bootcamp cardio and the Higher Intensity Step segments on 4DS. I like all the cardio. Each one is only a 1/2 hour, but it's intense.

All that being said, LowMax is still a great workout. I don't mean to imply that it's slow-paced or too easy or anything - it's not. It just has longer step combos and longer blasts, and so it feels like a slower pace than the iMaxes.


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