New to Forum - First Pregnancy


New Member
Hi all. I have been reading and just fell that maybe I just need to vent a bit. I have been addicted to Cathe workouts for a few years now, and have just recently found out that I am pregnant with my first baby. I am 11 weeks and feel completely exhausted and crampy - though I guess I am lucky as I don't feel nausea at all. The last couple of months I have been on a hiatus from working out. Most of it was due to getting the finishing touches on my wedding last month (it wasn't a shotgun....we were planning for a year and although being prego I still looked great in my gown:)) and going on a honeymoon which all we managed to do was work on our tans at the beach.

Anyhow, I just don't know how to get back in the routine of working out, or even what I can do. My husband's x-girlfriend of very many years ago had a misscarriage at 5 months, and he is convinced that it was because she was so active. Because of this he wants me to become a complete couch potato. I rollerbladed 10 miles the other day and all he was upset because he thinks that I should not be straining myself so much ( I really wasn't, although it sounds like a lot I went at a very easy pace for me.)

I guess I was just hoping from some encouragment from everyone, As I sit here rotting in front of my computer instead of working out. I just keep thinking about the last Cathe workout I did a week ago - Body Fusion. It used to be my fall back for an easy day when I was sore, last week it felt as hard as high step training:(.

I am going to put on my sneakers now, fight the oppressive humidity and try to workout. Thanks for letting me vent, and after reading some of the other posts I know that I am not the only one who feels like a bloated tired cow. I look forward to chatting with you ladies in the next few months!
Keep on doing what you're doing! There are many, many studies now that clearly show the benefits of working out while pregnant. If you become a couch potato you are at higher risk of back and hip problems (possibly permanent), gestational diabetes and excessive weight gain. Is your doctor supportive of your exercise program? If so, maybe you and your DH could talk with the doctor and the doctor could work on convincing him. The big thing that you need to be attentive to is staying hydrated and always listening to your body. Your body will tell you very clearly when you need to back off (i.e. an exercise will hurt, or you will find you are simply unable to do an exercise without modification).

I worked out at the highest intensity I could right up until 2 days before I had my daughter, and I think that contributed to my quick recovery after my C-section. I also had enough energy to take care of her, and it was pretty easy to pick up my program again after my doctor gave me the all-clear.
Lindsay, I only have a second, just wanted to offer a hug!
Working out WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES is completely safe and very good for your pregnancy.
Do what you can when you can and don't feel guilty about the rest. Not many of us are doing HSC anymore either! Heck, I just bought some Leslie Sansone's to do! YIKES!:eek:
Have DH go to the OB with you to ease his mind.
"Relax and enjoy your pregnancy"...and congrats on the wedding and looking fab in your dress!
Hi Lindsay! Welcome to the pregnancy forums. Please join our check ins. I am also newly pregnant, for the first time. I am also 11 weeks and due in mid february.

i had my first appointment and ultrasound last week which was very neat.

i too am feeling tired and bloated and just plain gross. i do not have morning sickness but i do feel naseous. I am having a terrible headache today but i dont take anything for it.

my advice to you is listen to your body and workout at your own pace. some days i can get thru my hardest workouts (i am a cardio/intensity junky) and other days i have to shut off the dvd and feel discouraged. your body is building a baby, so just listen to it. you will know when you are too tired. If it feels unsafe and you are winded or cramping definately stop. Other than that its completely SAFE and even beneficial to exercise. I asked my doctor and she said there is no problem working out, just be smart and make sure you can still carry on a conversation. if you have your husband go with you, he can hear it from the doctor himself and maybe he will be more supportive. There are tons of moms on here who exercised the entire length of their pregnancy. I"m determined to stick with it. In fact, i'm going on the Road Trip in August!

Welcome to the forums again. I've found everyone very pleasant and helpful. Feel free to post anytime. And we can compare our pregnancies since we are due aorund the same time! Congrats!
Hi there--

Sorry you are feeling so crummy! The first trimester is always hard. Out of respect for your dh, you might want to find some research supporting exercise while pregnant just to ease his mind. I think the trick as others have said is to listen to your body and not push it. Pregnancy is not the time for challenging yourself to new fitness levels, but it's definitely good for mind, body, and spirit to stay active.

Come join our check-in, if you feel inclined.

Maggie :)
From the moderator

Hello and welcome to the forum!

I just wanted to introduce myself and welcome you and your "little one on board" to our wonderful community of "moms" here on the forum. It's a great support system, especially for first time moms.

In health,


Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R) Fitness

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