New to Cathe


New Member
I have been a user of The Firm for approx. 4 years now and I'm getting bored. I NEED to try something new. I have been eyeing Cathe's tapes for months now but there are so many that I would like to try but have limited funds, can you give me any suggestions. I have my list narrowed down to either buying Circuit Max, and Body Max, or the CTX Series. I am new to Cathe's tapes and have a goal to lose 15-17 pounds. I have limited dumbbells--3, 5, 8, 10 pounds, a 5 pound medicine ball, a step, and a tall step. I enjoy weight work, and need help mostly in the hip, rear, and thigh area. I really need to try something new so that I can enjoy working out again, and begin seeing new results. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
RE: Welcome!

Hi, Red!

Based on what your described goals are and which workouts you've been considering, I would suggest getting the CTX series. It has incredible variety in terms of modes of cardio work (step, kickbox, hi/lo, step leg-circuit, step intervals) and good manageable targeted strengthening segments for upper body and abs. And, there is one complete workout for leg strength and definition: "Leaner Legs", or, as we Cathe-ites like to call it, "Meaner Legs". I think that would give you the greatest bounce for your buck as an already seasoned exerciser who wants to go the next step (pardon the pun).

Warning, however: Cathe workouts are indeed like peanuts and potato chips: one, and six, and ten, are never enough! Keep your savings account stoked and your credit card warmed up - you'll want more, trust me!

Welcome to the gang! Let us know how you get on!

RE: Welcome!

Welcome Red! I am in agreement with everything Aquajock said! I used The Firm for 8 years, got bored as well, and ordered CTX. I love this series! My rotation came to an end and I was like, "No!" So I ordered some more Cathe last week. She is awesome and you will love it. Start saving some money now!
RE: Welcome!

Thank you so much for getting back to me so soon. I think I will go ahead and get the CTX Series. I figure these tapes will introduce me to the various kinds of choreography-step, hi/lo, and kickboxing-that I can find in other Cathe tapes. This way I can also see which I like better, and get the best results from. With these tapes what weight will I need to start out with? Do you think that my 8 and 10 pound dumbbells will be a good place to start or do I lighter/heavier weights? When you started Cathe's tapes what weight did you use, and what are you using now? I'm excited to see how these tapes differ from the Firm's-format, intensity, etc.
RE: Welcome!

Hi, Red! Not to dodge the question, but I think the only one who can answer your question is you, by trying each workout carefully with the weights you already have, and then deciding whether you need lighter or heavier. I would suggest, however, using lighter weights for the long-arm lifts, and heavier for the short-arm (like biceps curls) lifts. Be prepared to do a bit of discreet weight-shopping as you determine what you need!

Hope this helps -

RE: Welcome!

Hi Red,
I am a former firm user. I graduated to Cathe a couple of years ago. The CTX series is great, but be prepared to be patient with yourself when learning the step routines. They are NOTHING like the firms. Some of Cathe's other step tapes offer more break-down/instruction of the moves.

Also, I'm not sure if you are aware but you absolutely MUST have a club size step. You cannot do Cathe's step on any of the firm's step up boxes. This is a significant investment unless you are lucky enough to get a deal somewhere (garage sale, ebay, that sort of thing.)

I know you will love Cathe. Be prepared to want more and more. OH and if you own a DVD, absolutely DO buy the CTX series on DVD.

RE: Welcome!

Yup, you'll be wanting more soon! Mostly because after you do her stuff your other videos will be too easy! ( With the exception of volume 1 ... did that the other day and it nearly killed me )
I did Power max last night and actually finished the whole thing! I usually die by the third portion but not last night. Anyway, I finished my S&H rotation and was doing Corey Everson's basic sculpting Chest,shoulders and triceps ( which was my usual split routine ) and sure enough, even with heavier weights, it didn't touch me! OK, Cathe ... I'm going to be broke if this keeps up! Must get The PS series now! You make everything else obsolete.
her choreography is very different from the FIRM, infact her stuff is totally different. But that's a good thing, variety! AWT uses light weights with high reps and speed to elevate the HR while minimizing the impact. Cathe's weights is done slow enough to maintain good form, encourage heavier weights, and equal sets per muscle group.
Welcome and have fun!
RE: Welcome!

Lately I have found myself doing the Firms tapes back to back in order to feel as if I have gotten the full benefit of working out, with the exception of Cardio Burn no matter how often I do that tape I still feel exhausted afterward. I ordered the CTX Series and am on pins and needles waiting for them. I watched the tape segments on this web site and it looks as if Cathe will try to kill me and the sad thing is I'm actually looking forward to it. What a nice change these tapes seem to be. I have never tried kickboxing before and am looking forward to it, as well as the Leaner Legs tape. I'm currently doing a rotation with The Firms Tough Tape, and am anxious to compare the two tapes. I did notice that the Firms step boxes will not work with these tapes. My husband made me a step years ago and I'm not real sure if it will work or not. It's a little wider and not as long as the step Cathe seems to use. My step is also set at the height of 9". I think I will try it but I have ran the idea across my husband about building me a new step if the one I have doesn't work. I also went to the store and was eyeing a barbell set I think I will put it on my wish list for my B-day. It's funny to think about the things I now look forward to getting compared to years ago.
RE: Welcome!

Hi Red! My husband also made my steps for me. I have a 6" and an 8" step. The dimensions are not as long as the original step, but I don't have a problem doing the moves. In fact, my 6" step is only 24" by 14" and my 8" step is 30" by 14". Which works out good for me because my workout space is a mere 6ft. by about 8 or 9ft. I'd say depending on your height, though, 9" is probably to high. If you're not familiar with stepping, 6" is better for learning step tapes! Have fun! And save, save, save your money!

RE: Welcome!

Comparing TT with LL...Red, if you have the CTX by now ( I only have PC and LL from that series ) you'd know the meaning of the word " PAIN ". I thought I knew it with SL until LL came along. TT is like prancing around in Fairyland compared to LL!
RE: Rachel

Hi Rachel:

Your comment about the Firm's TT being "like prancing around in Fairyland" made me laugh out loud!

Before I discovered Cathe, I tried out a few Firm tapes. I had previously done (and still do) "hard-core" aerobics classes at the gym and was very dissatisfied with the Firm. It's funny, but whenever I think of the Firm, I envision feathered plumes on their heads. They remind me of perfect prancing, pastel carousel horses. (Other people on this forum have referred to the Firm as "The Stepford Wifes" -- hee! hee!.)


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