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Hi everyone, how are you all? I think it is great that Cathe answers peoples questions on this forum, that is really motivating! I was thinking of buying cardio kicks and wondered if it is a good Cardio video for an advanced exerciser. I need a real challenge with cardio as it is my strong point ( weight lifting REALLY takes it out of me)

I tone up very easily but find it difficult to lose the layer of fat around the mid section. Does anyone have any suggestions? Also is there a rotation section on this internet site? Thanks for any help.

Good morning Beck. To answer your question about Cardio Kicks, it kicks butt. :-wow I have found that I have really toned up in the mid-section doing the round house kicks etc. This tape also has intensity drills toward the end of the tape and the sweat just flies off. I am too an advanced exerciser and I do this workout at least twice a week and I alternate it with her other cardio tapes as well such as Circuit Max. Also for that mid-section I would recommend Maximum Intensity Strengh. Cathe has a great ab work out at the end of that tape. It is also a strength training workout for a more advanced exerciser. Hope I helped some. Amy :) :)
Here's another Aimee (actually, I spell my name Amy, but there are alot of Amys here, so I spell it different) with some opinions. Cardio Kicks is great!! As is Circut Max. I would like to make one suggestion though. Get the 6 pak along with CK and CM. The weight sections on the 6 pak are only 10-15min each, but they are intense!! It also has alot of ab work and plank work to help you on those abs. I've got all 8(along with all her other tapes minus 1) and my endurance is better than ever and after every time I do a rotation my strength gets better and better. Speaking of rotations. Go into Search and type in rotations and it will give you a list of rotations that have been posted on this site by Cathe, and everyone else. One is sure to be close to what you are looking for! Ok, I'm opinionated out. We're happy to have you here with us, everybody here is great! You'll feel like you've got a whole other family! WELCOME!!! And let us know what you decide!!

Thanks so much for your advice, I ordered Cardio Kick last night and cannot WAIT !! I don't have the money to buy the 8 pack at the moment. I use Firm tapes exclusivley right now but my cardio is severly lacking. I have heard that Cathe's tapes are even more intense so I am looking forward to the change.

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