New to Cathe, would like video suggestions


Active Member
Hello everyone, I am new to this website and Cathe. I am working on losing roughly 100 pounds, 10 down so far. I am a new first time mother, and have roughly 25 more pounds to lose before I am at pre-pregnancy weight. What are the best videos for fat loss? I am currently working out 4-5 days a week to The Firm workout videos, but have only been doing this for about two weeks, so I would say my fitness level right now is beginner because I am not able to use very much weight yet. However, I have been exercising on and off for the past five years, so I catch on quickly to new moves. If anyone could suggest a few videos to get me started, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your time!

Hi Ashley,

Cathe is just awesome, and my favorites are Cardio & Weights, Cardio Kicks, the CTX and Instesity Series(which includes the Cardio & Weights workout). I used to do the FIRM workouts too before I found Cathe. Now, I am completely hooked!

If you just want to start out with 1 or 2, Cardio & Weights and Cardio Kicks are so much fun.

Check out the Success Stories Forum and you will see how some people lost a lot of weight using Cathe.

Here's a link to one of the stories by one very remarkable person! VERY Inspirational!!!

Danielle :7
Hi Ashley,

I am a Cathe newbie too and started out years ago with the Firm. I still love and do the Firm, but my emphasis now is on Cathe workouts. I have all of the PS series that really targets specific muscle groups for some serious muscle work which revs up your metabolism round the clock. For a fun, effective and empowering cardio, I do Cardio Kicks. Its tough, but you can modify many of the moves for less impact and/or intensity - Cathe shows you how. I also alternate MIC and MIS for a weighted all body day and then an all cardio day.

I had gotten to a point where I felt I was happy with my fitness level and muscular development and then Cathe "upped" that happiness level even more!

You won't be dissapointed with Cathe - give it time and the investment in that time with Cathe will give you back great rewards!
Thank you both for the video suggestions. I think I will be placing an order very soon! I can't wait to try these tapes, even though I am sure my body will be screaming at me for a few weeks. It really is true that it is so much harder to lose the darn weight than it is to put it on. Thanks again for your advice!


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