New to Cathe...which videos to get first?

I've been working out since May of 2004, most of the time 30 min. 5-6 days a week. In the past 2 months I have increased the time and intensity level to an hour 5-6 days a week and have been doing Tae Bo Get Ripped Advanced tapes for about 2 weeks. I've lost 35 lbs but I still need to get rid of this roll on my stomach and the junk that's still on my hips. I also need to tone everything.

I would say I am at the intermediate level and I would like to try some of Cathe's workouts. I do not like using a step because well I don't have and I don't want to buy one. The only workout equipment I have are dumbbells.

Thanks for all the suggestions in advance!
Since you don't have a step, this may be a bit tough. Do you by chance have a fanny lifter from the firm? If you do, this opens up a few things for you. By chance, do you have a stability ball?

Yes, my mom has a stability ball I can use and No, I don't have a fanny lifter. I get frustrated when using a step. I've tried it before and I didn't like it.
I would recommend that you start with Push Pull/Supersets DVD. She uses the ball a lot in both workouts. She does use a barbell in these in places, but you could easily modify to dumbbells. She does use her high step in these workouts. For the tricep dips, you could use a kitchen chair. For the leg presses a step stool could work.

Hope this helps.

If you have a step stool, you could also look at the Kick, Punch, and Crunch (KPC) and Legs and Glutes DVD. KPC doesn't use any equipment other than a ball. L/G uses only the high step (step stool) and dumbells and ankle weights.

Valerie :)
Yes, there are different pound ankle weights. You can pick them up pretty cheap at Target and Wal-mart for under $10. I think that mine are maybe 3 pounds each. I can't remember!

I don't use a step for Cathe's workouts and I still work up a tremendous sweat (I had it trickling down my face last night) and increased heart rate. You don't need a step to do step aerobics. You just do the moves on the floor. It gives you a little more freedom to move around, as well.

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