
New Member

This is my first post on this website. About three years ago, I purchased my first step and a Cathe VHS came along with it which I still use because I like it sooo much. I have lost 41 pounds on Weight Watchers since September 2004 and I'm looking to jump start my fitness routine. During the summer, I took up jogging and I really enjoyed it. Now that the winter months are here, I can't go outside as early as I used to (before the hubby has to go to work) and I need to keep my motivation going by doing workouts at home. I think Cathe is the best place to start just that and I'm looking forward to it!

So to make a long story short, which DVD's to you all recommend that I start off with. There are so many selections that I'm a bit overwhelmed and need help! I think that for the time being I would like to focus more on cardio and light strength training. I would like to lose a few more pounds before I'm motivated to put on muscle.

Thank you in advance for your help and have a great day!

:) :) :) :)
I suggest looking at the Ultimate Guide to Cathe thread which is pinned at the top of this page. It breaks down Cathe's workouts by category and ranks each workout in the category by an average score of perceived intensity. Since you've been jogging and have already worked on your fitness level, I bet you could handle workouts that scored in the 6-7 range. Those workouts in the 8+ range are pretty darn intense and IMO, should not be your first foray into Cathe.

Her strength workouts are very adaptable. You can simply lift heavier or lighter to suit it to your level. That being said, some of the middle range workouts are a great place to start.
Welcome neophyte!

Kick, Punch and Crunch for overall cardio or High Step Challenge if you happen to have a high stepper.

These are fun and effective.

Kick, punch, and crunch is my very favorite that I own right now. I have all of the body blast series and I love it. I got the rotation that Cathe posted and have been doing it for about 2 weeks. Step, jump, and pump is also a good one if you want to combine weights and cardio. Step blast is also on this dvd and it is a good one too. Good luck and I hope you find the perfect workout.:)
Hi PenKase,

Welcome to the forum :D & congrats on the progress of your fitness journey.

I think the guide is a nice start. Also, take advantage of the video clips. You could look at the begginer series if you think that you need to start there.

If you are ready to kick it up a notch might I suggest:
KPC (kickboxing)
SJP (step & Hi/Lo with weight circuit)/SB (you can grow into this step workout)
IMAX2 (interval w/o)/C&W (cardio & wt circuit but there is a step only premix & many more)
If you don't mind something older, look at the classics DVD.

Well, there's a start.


I began Cathe's workouts last year. I confess that Imax3 was my first workout of hers. Not sure I'd recommend that. It was humbling. quickly became one of my favorites!

My alltime favorite is Step Blast, for a pure Step workout. She builds up her combinations so you get used to her style gradually. With Imax3, I had to stop and rewind a few times to learn the combos.

I :heart: StepBlast, though.. Hope you try that one soon!

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