new to cathe tapes


Active Member
I am new to cathe's tapes-- I have done many of the firm tapes but they are not motivating enough and I just did not see the results I wanted. Any suggestions on some basic tapes I can start with?I am intersted in strength/weight training and cardio as well, but I cannot do high impact aerobics as my knee cannot take the strain. I am 48 years old and I need to lose about 15lbs and just want to be in better physical condition.Please respond and get me on the right track Thanks!:p
Hi there,

Can you add a bit more information about what you are looking for? Are you looking for total body workouts or split routines? Would you like weight work only tapes or circuit workouts (alternating cardio segments with weight segments)? When it comes to your cardio, do you have a preference as to step, hi/lo, or kickboxing? What equipment do you have and would you be willing to purchase any new equipment?

Cathe has so many different workouts and by answering these questions it will help narrow down the possibilities.
Hi Barb,

I'm 49 and I'm a old Firmie/FitPrimer and I still love them. But...I have recently started doing Cathe and I love her to! The strength/low impact ones that I enjoy are Maximum Intensity Strength, Power Hour, SuperSets, Push and Pull, Pyramid Lower Body, Pyramid Upper Body.

I have had knee surgery 2 X's but I'm still able to do BootCamp and High Step Advanced Training (using only 12 inches) with modifications on some parts. I am beginning to do the step but I'm only using the top (4 inches). I just got the classics and I start my first one tomorrow. Hopefully, I can figure out the choreography!
Hi Sabine. Thanks for responding. I would like to keep things varied ,so I would like to do total body, cardio with/without weights and splits as well. I actually have the Maximum Intensity Strength tape and did it this past Mon and WED. I really liked it.I have free weights 5, 8,10,12 15 lbs, three body bars, 18,24 and 30lbs,a Step (I think it is ?6" high-) I bought it a few years ago from the STEP company, a 4lb medicine ball and a FIRM fanny lifter.I am willing to get other equipment if needed. As for cardio, I am shall we say not too coordinated another words a KLUTZ!! I never did much kickboxing but I think I might like it--I did some step work with the Firm tapes, but I know Cathe's are more involved with the choreography. I probably would be better off with another alternative other than step for cardio.Thanks for your help
Thanks for your input. I actually have the Maximum Intensity strength and did it for the first time on Mon and then Wed. I really liked it. Thanks for your other recommendations on the Strength/ low impact videos-- I am sure I will be ordering some of them. I am not too coordinated, so I am not sure if I want to do Cathe's step tapes. But I do want to get some cardio tapes as well - I will have to look into the other options. Do you do any other cardio videos other than those involving a step? I have most of the cardios that the Firm made, and I need a change.Thanks again for your help- Barb:)
Hi Barb,

Based on what you've told me, here's what I would suggest.

1) Muscle Endurance/BootCamp DVD- Muscle Endurance is a total body weight workout. It has terrific music and is very comprehensive. Equipment used includes various dumbbells, a barbell (dumbbells or your body bars would work as substitutes), a high step (your FL will work just fine), and a med ball. Bootcamp is a circuit workout where you do 8 cycles of cardio, lower body weights, upper body weights, and abs. The cardio is very basic so no need to worry about choreography. Equipment used includes a high step (once again, your FL is fine), various dumbbells, a barbell, and a med ball. Both of these are super workouts and a lot of fun.

2)Pure Strength DVD or Pyramid Upper/Lower Body DVD- Pure Strength is the best 3 day split DVD, IMO. Since this is an older title there aren't any cool premixes to play with which is a bummer. Equipment used is a step bench used as a weight bench, dumbbells, and a barbell. The leg workout uses a body bar for the floor work and a high step (or FL). The Pyramids are a great two day split and you have premix options to pyramid up or down only, and there is a special bonus premix combining the two for a total body workout in about an hour. The upper body workout uses the step as a bench, dumbells, and a stability ball for the ab work. The lower body tape uses a barbell, a high step (or FL) and a stability ball for the floor work. Really, it's a matter of preference.

3) Cardio options- One option would be to try a kickboxing workout, which I would recommend Kick Punch Crunch (Legs and Glutes is the other workout on the DVD). This one is pretty basic choreography and you don't have to be a kickboxing guru in order to have fun. This workout uses a stability ball for the ab work. If you would consider step, the I would suggest Cathe's Classics DVD. This has 3 of her older step workouts on it and these are not as choreographically advanced and are taught at a slower speed than her newer stuff. IMAX 2 (has Cardio and Weights as the other workout on the DVD. This workout has some choreography in the step sections that may take a few times to get down. A lot of Cathe's step workouts feature moves that were introduced in previous workouts, hence the Classic rec. above) is an awesome step workout. The blasts are not tough at all in choreography. The mini step routines are short and repeated 6 times before the blast so you probably would do okay. Be warned, this is one kick butt workout. Both of these workouts are best done with a full size Club Step.

I would not recommend either of the High Step workouts unless you are willing to purchase a high step. The FL will simply not hold up to the cardio in these workouts.

Hi Sabine. Thanks for your suggestions. I will be ordering the workouts you suggested today and I hope they come in the mail soon. Thanks so much for taking the time to help me out -- I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend!!!!!!!!
I have to put in another vote for Kick Punch Crunch. Great cardio w/o without the step. I too am step challenged. I am working on that though. But this workout is great and it has great premixes available to change it up a bit when you want.

Hi Catherine. Thanks for the info-- especially helpful coming from another step challenged person. I will definitely order this workout. Thanks again
The Fanny Lifter is just too unstable and flimsy for the cardio portions of the High Step workouts. For example, one part has you straddling the high step and doing a fast foot repeater (think of a a hop on one foot while tapping the other toe on the step, then very quickly switching feet). I have the FL and I believe it would be dangerous to do these fast cardio moves on it. It could tip if you land more to the edge of the box and if you missed the box it could easily go flying across the room. I believe that the High Step is more stable for cardio moves. However, for strength moves, like step ups or using it as a seat etc., I think a FL would work just fine.


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