New to Cathe - dare I try CTX?


New Member
I got turned on to Cathe by a neighbor who got me started with MIS and PH. I really want to try CTX, but I'm worried about the choreography. Do you think it's too hard for a Cathe Cardio Virgin? My neighbor says Cathe's choreography is legendary for being tough, and that she doesn't teach her moves because her audience is expected to know them already. Thoughts? Reassurances? Regretful 'no way kid, sorry's?

I started with a Cathe CTX and I loved it (I do it as a rotation for between 4 to 6 weeks then swap to something else). The step work outs are fine trickey to start with if you have not done ne of her workouts before. I would recommend all her tapes to people who have done step for more than 6 months and who enjoy but want more variety and intensity (she really gives you intensity) otherwise her step tapes might be a bit too much for a novice stepper.

I used Keli Roberts ultimate step tape before using Cathe (and I am very glad I did). I found that it was very hit and miss some of the steps I got straight away and some took me a while to get.

I would certainly recommend it and I love the cardio kicks tape but then I love kickboxing.

I would recommend the tapes, the weight work is fine if you can get hold of some rotations featuring CTX this would help you alot to vary the workouts.

:-jumpy Babs
When I first started doing Cathe I didn't find the choreography that difficult.But as you get more use to her tapes then you will be able to catch on to each tape a little faster because she uses alot of her moves in every video.
WHen I bought Ryhtmic Step I thought it was going to take me a while after I did it once but the next time I had it.And I am not someone who as great coordination.I can't do any of the CIA videos because I find you have to think to much while doing them.
Bottom line, you won't know if you don't try.And I don't find CTX to be that complicated.
Good luck,
RE: Dare I try CTX? Absolutely

A couple of the neat things about CTX are that #1 there is a good mix of hi/lo, step and kickbox in several of the cardio workouts, AND the cardio segments are somewhat briefer than other cardio tapes, which make the learning curve a little faster. I don't think you'll have any problem learning her choreo quickly!

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: Dare I try CTX? Absolutely

My introduction to Cathe cardio was the CTX series. It took me a few times through the routines to pick up some of the moves, but
it wasn't too difficult. I did have step experience, although I am somewhat choreo challenged. I feel safe in saying that if I can do it, anyone can.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-02 AT 03:40PM (Est)[/font][p]I agree with lorihart -- Cathe choreo is not difficult/dancy. If you want complex, you should try CIA! If you are familiar with Cathe, it's easier to get the choreo since she does use some moves from one workout to another. But if you are not, you will get in a few try. It's not impossible to learn!

One thing about CTX is that Cathe does not spend a lot of time 'teaching' the moves. She sort of expect you to know it already. It's because of the format of CTX -- 30 mins of cardio. That's the only way she could do 30 mins of cardio -- by taking out the teaching part. Just go straigth to the moves. Having said that, it is still doable... she is a great cuer.


I don't have her earlier step tapes, but you might want to try Step Heat/Step Jam DVD, if you have the DVD.

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