New Thread? Workouts rated by coreography level?

Is the other list posted on this board designed to rate intensity only (how tough the workout is) or does that include coreography difficulty level as well? Would anyway be interested in doing a rating on coreography difficulty level only? Would anyone be interested in actually calculating the list?;-)

Peace, Love, and Muscles
Here's how I would rank for choreo starting with easiest:
Basic Step
Mega Step Blast and the Cardio Hits
Body Max and MIC
IMAX 1 and 2
Cardio and Weights
RS, Step Blast

Here's my take on it:

Basic Step
Classics (didn't do them enough to separate them, but they are very basic, IMO)
Wedding Video
Power Max
Cardio and Weights
Step, Jump and Pump
Step and Intervals
All Step
Rythmic Step
Step Blast

Not sure, but I think Beth (above) might have switched the Classics (Step Jam etc.) with Cardio Hits (Step Works, PowerMax and Step Fit). Cardio Hits was released as a DVD first, but the choreography is much more complex than the older Classics DVD, released in DVD format later...
That list is really helpful! I'm wondering if I should buy the wedding video (Ha!). I hear its good but dated. Thanks for the info!

Peace, Love, & Muscles
You won't regret buying the Wedding video, the step workout is more basic than some, but still a lot of fun & worth doing. The weight work uses lighter weights but you can go heavier because the rep rate is still slow.

Besides, you get to see some video of Cathe's wedding!


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