New STS Rotation

I was wondering if you could do a new rotation without the quick fixes and incorporating your new DVDs. I'm one who will follow a list but can't seem to come up with my own. Otherwise, is the intention just to do any cardio on alternating days?
I think as long as you use the same type of cardio you should be able to sub in some of yours. If the rotation says to do a KB cardio then sub in a different KB cardio etc. There are a lot of premixes that should work great. Peggy
I just do cardio on days off from STS, I don't have all the shock cardio's. I only recently bought some during the big sale, but by then I was almost at the end of my second STS rotation. So I've done 2 rotations now incorporating whatever cardio I wanted, old/new/premix, etc. If I really wanted to be a stickler (not uncommon for me ;) ) , I would just do a similar type AND duration of the suggested workouts. I do know that some people like to throw an extra leg day in there using a fave vid. ( I'm NOT one of them, lol, just showing some options you have)
Like Kiki, I am not following the cardio rotation portion of STS either. I am using the weight work outs in order but doing my own thing where cardio is concerned. As long as you are doing cardio of some sort, that's all that matters! Choose what you like, when you like and how often you like! It's up to you and I love that about STS! :D Everyone's cardio needs/likes/dislikes are different. I for one, am averaging 4-5 days per week of cardio because just 3 days doesn't work for me anymore.

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