New stepper


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It's been nearly six years since I've worked out. After having five kids I can only work out at home. I am so out of shape I feel as if I've never worked out a day in my life. I am looking for advice as to what are good videos to start with at this point. I really love step, but I'll try anything. The CATHE videos I've seen are sooooooooooooooooooooo advanced! Are there any for a beginner? Please help!
Hi Micele!

Whew, FIVE kids! Good for you for wanting to get back at it!! I think that the Wedding vid and also MegaStepBlast are two good starters. The Wedding vid also has weight work with it which is easier then the newer Cathe tapes to get you back into the swing so that is a double bonus. Since you said you love step, I am assuming you are familiar with basic moves so I think that these two tapes will be fine. There might be a move or two that will trip you up at first but you will catch on very quick. (Miss Two-Left Feet here, talking from past experience!) Good Luck, welcome back and let us know what you decide.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Micele!

StepMax, Step Heat, and Step In Motion I are also very good starter videos for a new Cathe fan.

Edith :+
Are you exercising at all now? By that I mean, will you be getting Cathe tapes to begin your exercise program? If you're not exercising at all now, you may want to start walking first and gradually add stepping after f few weeks. Cathe tapes ARE advanced, and you don't want to get discouraged.

How about getting one or two tapes, and just try the warm-ups incorporated with walking, as sort of a tack-on-try-out mini-workout? Do them on a 4" step, or on the floor with no step. Work into it, and give yourself time.

IMO, Megastep Blast and Step Max are good into to Cathe tapes, and the Wedding Tape has that weights section, so it's good, too.
Don't forget Step Heat which is also a good one too. This was actually my 1st Cathe tape and intro into the world of stepping . It gives you a VERY good workout plus an abs section although not as long as the others I always find this step very easy going and not that intense.
RE: Hi Micele!

Yea, I've had four of my kids in the past five and a half years so my body has taken a beating! Yes, I am familiar with step. I used to be a big workout fanatic until five years ago. Thanks for the advice! I'll probably buy every video that anyone recommends. That's just how I am! I'll let you know which ones work best for me!
Hi! Good for you for starting back into working out! You will love Cathe. It sounds like you will do fine with Cathe's choreography since you have stepped in the past, and getting some of her older tapes makes sense, since the moves will probably be similar to many of the moves that were popular at the time that you were stepping. However, I agree with Honeybunch that you would want to ease into stepping. How about starting with more intermediate tapes, since you are so out of shape? has a great selection, and video clips to watch to help you decide. I would do some searches for Gin Miller (aerostep, step circuit challenge) and Kathy Smith (step workout, power step workout, etc.), so that you are easing back in to things rather than trying such intense workouts at first. has a really godd review section, too.
Have fun looking around :)
Hi! Thanks for the encouragement! I did start riding my stationary bike a few weeks ago and I started doing the Kathy Smith step workout last week. I about died the first day I did the beginner section of the tape, but I felt so good getting back into it that I did it every day last week. It has already gotten a bit easier, other than having sore muscles. It is just so weird getting this sore, I guess I didn't realize how fit I really was years ago! So how are the Gin Miller tapes as far as instruction and difficulty? I was hoping that CATHE had at least one tape targeted at a beg. audience but apparently not. That's ok, I'll just have to get busy and work up to it! I am so on fire to get fit again. Thanks for the websites too!
Thanks for the advice. I'll have to check out those videos. I am working my way into it. I have realized now that Cathe videos are for the more advanced but I'll get there soon! Thanks again!

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