New Series

Now that it's been announced we will be seeing video clips of the new series soon, I think it would be great to see a blooper reel. All the cast members would seem more real life rather than perfect. I certainly don't workout with full hair/makeup done with beautifully matched workout clothes.
I miss the diversity too was one of the additional things I liked about Cathe's workouts way back in the day. Since Cathe seems to recruit crew/casts from her gym (not always), maybe the cast reflects the population of her community - don't know - just speculating.

But, your comment made me curious about past crew/cast members. So I did a quick Google search:

Lorraine Duffy - looks like she's a personal trainer in New Jersey as seen on LinkedIn.

Deazie has a website:

I couldn't easily find Jai with a quick Google search.
I miss the diversity too was one of the additional things I liked about Cathe's workouts way back in the day. Since Cathe seems to recruit crew/casts from her gym (not always), maybe the cast reflects the population of her community - don't know - just speculating.

But, your comment made me curious about past crew/cast members. So I did a quick Google search:

Lorraine Duffy - looks like she's a personal trainer in New Jersey as seen on LinkedIn.

Deazie has a website:

I couldn't easily find Jai with a quick Google search.
I believe it also goes beyond race extending to overweight, older, men etc. any group that is under represented. I read somewhere she auditions for cast members sometimes. However, you are right several are friends or work at the gym/company. When you start analyzing it (me) you can begin to see even in the Lives cast members are up front. Maybe by choice from the rest of the crowd but some have been on Live since the beginning. Just food for thought.
Agreed on just about everything!!! Of course the sets are always pretty, all the outfits
matched perfectly, etc….but honestly, rather or not I click with a workout is the variety of the exercises, modifications, & the excellent chaptering that has always been a trademark of Cathe’s workouts, and which I hope they’re not getting away from, variety of equipment used that has been purchased, ex: I got weight plates….. I want to use them in other ways besides on the barbell & abs (but using them in the abs workouts are super fun) I like 30-40 min workouts too. As far as cast, etc. they are all good…. I still miss Cedie and Marlo (I liked her a lot) and Deazie & her constant smile was refreshing!
and I love seeing the Countess in the Lives (Nancy) :)
Don't get me wrong ... I absolutely love Cathe's finished, professional, rehearsed, & color-coordinated productions! They are the best! A fun little blooper reel, or photos (like the mean/ugly mugs from heavy lifting in STS2.0) would be a way to showcase the making of the new series too. And I previously put in my request/suggestion for an older-ish cast/crew for the series too - still think it would be great! But I'll be okay with whomever is there to support Cathe's production. :)
I see where you are coming from! I see the perfectly polished cast and then get a glance of me in the workout mirror - it is quite the contrast.

However, I prefer the DVDs to continue to be how they are - polished & edited without a blooper reel. I like the fantasy in my head of having a goal of perfect choreography to reach. There are several incidents on the DVDs where I see an obvious mistake that was edited....and my mind always focuses on that mistake (just the way my mind works). I know me - if a blooper reel was released, I would always be focusing on that particular incident. Now, I would like to maybe hear each of the cast members tell a funny blooper or real life story of filming.

For more real-life, I enjoy the LIVES (although even that cast looks better than my glance in the workout mirror!) I like Cathe's diversity, however I would like to see a taller woman (mainly legs) so that I can see how she stays on beat or modifies.

But, if a blooper reel was released....I would be one of the first to watch!
Guess I wasn't thinking about a blooper reel being combined with the finished dvds. I was thinking as a little special something just for the website ... not even for YouTube. But in this digitized world someone might copy it to the web and some people might think it was the real deal - might be harmful to SNM I guess - I wouldn't want that! So maybe just some "behind the scenes" photos with captions. Guess I'm ready for some sneak peeks of any kind ;) .
I think Cathe's series are excellent. The production value is the best: excellent workouts, clear instructions, presentation, etc. I think what I get from them is all that matters. I don't care that I'm not "represented" and that I never wear make up, and that I don't look like the people in the dvd and you wouldn't catch me dead wearing pink. We all have a common goal: staying fit.
That being said, it would be so much fun to have a DVD extra of a blooper reel.
...and you wouldn't catch me dead wearing pink. We all have a common goal: staying fit.
That being said, it would be so much fun to have a DVD extra of a blooper reel.
You gave me a chuckle and generated a memory... once as a child my parents were painting our bedrooms and they said "you can choose any color you like" - I chose red, my favorite color - they laughed and said no, but said I could have pink. I was so disappointed in the pink - a washed out red! I've never really cared much for pink - a wanna-be red! :D
You gave me a chuckle and generated a memory... once as a child my parents were painting our bedrooms and they said "you can choose any color you like" - I chose red, my favorite color - they laughed and said no, but said I could have pink. I was so disappointed in the pink - a washed out red! I've never really cared much for pink - a wanna-be red! :D
When we bought our house our kitchen was red. I called it our "murder kitchen." I wanted a nice, sunny yellow kitchen. It's still red lol!

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