New Multi Vitamin that seems to give me energy


The vitamins helped you kick diet coke? That's great. Please tell me more. I have been addicted to coffee and diet coke for many years and have never had any luck trying to give them up. This is great news!!
I Got Great Results, Too

These definately work. They've been on the market since the mid 90's. I used them the first time in 1995 and got excellent results. You can purchase them at Walmart, Kmart, etc., or at least you could when I used them. No side effects, either.
RE: I Got Great Results, Too

No, haven't even tried to give up morning coffee. I have the programmable coffee maker turn itself on so I can smell it before I get out of bed. But, yes, it's true about the diet Coke. I don't know if it's the vitamins, but I'm happy for any progress! I think it would be harder to give up coffee than it was to quit smoking.
RE: I Got Great Results, Too

Well I can't believe it! I was pretty skeptical. Nothing has worked up until now. I started taking them last Thursday and have not felt the bone tiredness that I do in the middle of the day. I just hope it lasts!!!
RE: 6th. day update...


I just went out and bought these based on this thread. Quick question: I work out first thing in the AM and just have a 1/2 glass of OJ with water as MAribeth suggested. Do you think I could take 2 pills with the OJ and then the other 2 with lunch? (I always run into a lull mid day so thught I would spread these out.)

What do you think?
Hard to find in stores

Maybe I'll have an easier time finding it in my neighborhood stores when I can see the label... Rite-Aid (which the Performance Labs website said has it) didn't have it. Ditto Sav-on Drugs. I'm getting a free sample in ten days so I'll keep looking while I wait for it.
RE: Hard to find in stores

Hey Connie,
I heard it's also at
It's in a bright blue bottle with an orange/yellow sunburst above the name which is in bright yellow.
And to quell any fears about the possible side effects; today I somehow messed up and took it twice. That means I took 8 tabs. Once in the morning and then at lunch. Stupid, I know. I had no side effects and am getting really tired now. My husband said the only side effects would be that my urine will glow in the dark for a day. Ha, ha!
RE: Hard to find in stores

Thanks, Dawn! I've been trying to steer clear of Costco because... difficult to not spend $200. going there for one item!! I'll go there, though, or the website directly if I have to.

I'll look for the label next time. Thanks again.
RE: Costco Item No.

I bought mine at Costco last week for $11.99 - Item No. 355313 Vitalert 400. I am in shock a how well these work. I remember when Metabolife came out and someone talked me into trying it. All I could do was sit on the couch and wait for the pounding in my heart to stop. I hated it. That experience has made me reluctant to ever try anything again. But knowing HB helped on this one. They really are incredible!
Thank you honeybunch, for this thread!! I just ordered a free sample from their website and am going to wal-mart tonight to buy some.
BTW, about a year ago, i was talked into some vitamins from my dr. (don't remember the name), but they came in 2 bottles: a.m formula and p.m. formula. they were HUGE pills and you had to take 3 of each, every day. (3 in a.m; 3 in p.m). i didn't really notice any change in energy, but i did not get sick last winter.
oh, did i mention they were $18 a bottle! didn't seem worth it to me.
you guys sold me on this product. sounds like i am not the only one here who needs all the extra energy she can get!
You guys are going to laugh

I drove to Costco today at noon - I was able to have 2 hours because one of my patients cancelled. Well, on the way someone in an SUV nearly ran me off the road! Talkin' on a cell phone... after saving my own life, I finally homked the horn but the driver was still obliviously talking away.

In Costco, I looked and looked, could not find, and finally asked the person at the pharmacy counter. She told me Vitalert was "deleted from the inventory" but she didn't know why.

On the way back to work I stopped again at Sav-On Drugs where they also don't have it. But the pharmacist there offered to order it for me. He said it will be there tomorrow by 2 p.m. About ten bucks he said, for 100.

I am just all hyped for it so I just caved and said "Order it!"
RE: You guys are going to laugh

Glad you are finally able to get them! But, the big question: How much did you spend at Costco? I know what you mean! It's like a black hole that sucks money. Everything is $20 or more. Did you see the weights with the really nice stand? $150, I think. I was so tempted, and then I decided to actually spend it on food instead. Heavy sigh. Let us know when you start the vitamins!
RE: You guys are going to laugh

Ok, I confess:

These vitamins seemed to do very little for me. However, I think I am going through some kind of Cathe BURNOUT!!! (EEEEEKKKKK!!). Yes, I am afraid so. The motivation just is not there. I aborted IMAX two intervals in for Rythmic Step, which is a new workout to me!! I am praying for the intensity series to come soon!!

I continue to take them, not four at once, but will take four again when I feel like my old self again. Between my cold last week and alot of stress it is taking alot to bounce back.

Plus, after not doing weights for almost two weeks, I came back to PH feeling like a total beginner!! Talk about deppressing!!!

RE: You guys are going to laugh

Thanks so much Julie! That seems to be the best price so far. I plan to order from them online next time. I was kidding Connie a little because she avoids Costco because it is just sooo easy to spend money there. I can't get out of there for less than $300. I just always see stuff I NEED!
RE: You guys are going to laugh

Hey Janice, Dawn, Honeybunch, Everybody,
Yeah I only bought gas there at Costco. I'm glad I didn't see the weight rack, but my DH made me a beautiful one with solid metal square bars for the weights to rest on, really cool, so I'm already a rich person in that department.

The Saga of Snagging the Vitamins
Episode 3

Went to Sav-On tonight. I had ordered the vitamins and they were supposed to be there. But no. The kind pharmacist showed me the order sheet and it said "no" or some vague thing, but not back ordered or anything like that.

So I'm still waiting for my free sample but an idea came to me. If I have all this energy to chase around all over town after these vitamins, maybe I don't even need them after all.

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