New Multi Vitamin that seems to give me energy

I went to the site and read some FAQ. I think I'll go to this when mine ("Central Vite, a store brand imitation of Centrum) runs out.
Hi Ladies.

Day three of the vitamin project. I actually managed to stay up until 11pm last night! This is a huge deal, because usually I'm dead on the couch about 9:30 pm. Also, yesterday was a weights day, and I'm always wiped out. So, my opinion is, yes, I have more energy. It also did not keep me awake, once I went to sleep. Good suggestion HoneyBunch! Now, I need to find a store in Michigan that sells them cheaper.

Boy I'm easy - I was at Costco and saw the 400 bottle for $11.99 and went for it today! I have a question though. I was interested when you said you take a four a day because I was talking to man who developed enzymes and multivitamins recently who told me that he recommended taking his vitamins 3x a day (or 4 can't remember). However, his were to be taken throughout the day - not all at once. I note on the Vitalert, it says to take them all at once. I think the guy's point was that if you take them throughout the day, it's slowly released throughout day which is more beneficial to your system. I don't know the exact details but he sure sounded like he knew what he was talking about lol! Anyways, I'm curious to know if you are taking them all at once or throughout the day. I am going to spread them out based on his theory and see what happens. Thanks for the recommendation! I definitely suffer from severe LOE so I'm keeping my fingers crossed this does the trick - especially before the holidays!
Hi everyone.

The pharmacist who I sleep with on a kind of regular basis, (my DH) says that if you are deficient your body will absorb it regardless of the time of day you take it, and excess will be excreted. So, I think you're safe taking them all at once if you'd like. May we all have an energetic day!!

6th. day update...

Just wanted to let you all know that I just finished my 6th. day with no side effects and truly believe that they have given me more energy. I teach 2 classes on Thursday's and normally I am pretty tired and ready to veg out but I feel just fine tonight! I even washed all the floors in 4 rooms and the foyer on my hands & knees! I take all four tablets at once as stated on the bottle with a meal. I have been experiencing a bit of insomnia off & on the past few months, but have slept great this past week. Just thought I'd pass this on to you all. Dawn, check your wholesale stores in your area. They probably carry them at the cheapest price.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: 6th. day update...

Okay I'm going for it today - I'll let you know how I feel.
BTW if anyone is interested, I take the most amazing digestive enzymes. They work really well. The only thing is that I have to order them on the net. I did however get on an auto ship program (which I normally would never do - did it with pro-active years ago and swore I'd never do it again) and I don't think I can live without them. This may be the perfect combo for me.

RE: 6th. day update...

Ok, I broke down and got these today. Currently I am not taking any vitamins and have been looking for a good multi. I have a question though... do you experience the majority of the increased energy right after you take them?? Or throughout the day?? Seems kindof stupid that you have to take 4 pills..why didn't they just put it all in one. Doesn't seem like such a good deal when 4 pills is a serving size. I am thinking of taking only 2-4 a day depending on my nutrient intake for that day.

Back in nutrition school, we learned that it was not good to take a multi with all the should look into your diet and figure out what you are deficient in and only take that vitamin. This had to do with vitamin- mineral interaction. Vitamins and minerals with the same chemical charge will compete with each other for absorption and ultimatley one will win out over the other. For many reasons I am very hesitant on taking vitamins but I will try this in small doses since I was recently sick with a cold and I know some days I do not get enough of everything..

Thanks for the info Honeybunch!!!

RE: 6th. day update...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-02 AT 11:33PM (Est)[/font][p]>Ok, I broke down and got
>these today. Currently I am
>not taking any vitamins and
>have been looking for a
>good multi. I have a
>question though... do you experience
>the majority of the increased
>energy right after you take
>them?? Or throughout the day??
>Seems kindof stupid that you
>have to take 4 pills..why
>didn't they just put it
>all in one. Doesn't seem
>like such a good deal
>when 4 pills is a
>serving size. I am thinking
>of taking only 2-4 a
>day depending on my nutrient
>intake for that day.
> Back in nutrition school,
>we learned that it was
>not good to take a
>multi with all the
> should look into your
>diet and figure out what
>you are deficient in and
>only take that vitamin. This
>had to do with vitamin-
>mineral interaction. Vitamins and minerals
>with the same chemical charge
>will compete with each other
>for absorption and ultimatley one
>will win out over the
>other. For many reasons I
>am very hesitant on taking
>vitamins but I will try
>this in small doses since
>I was recently sick with
> a cold and I
>know some days I do
>not get enough of everything..
> Thanks for the
>info Honeybunch!!!
> Janice
RE: 6th. day update...

>Ok, I broke down and got
>these today. Currently I am
>not taking any vitamins and
>have been looking for a
>good multi. I have a
>question though... do you experience
>the majority of the increased
>energy right after you take
>them?? Or throughout the day??
>Seems kindof stupid that you
>have to take 4 pills..why
>didn't they just put it
>all in one. Doesn't seem
>like such a good deal
>when 4 pills is a
>serving size. I am thinking
>of taking only 2-4 a
>day depending on my nutrient
>intake for that day.
> Back in nutrition school,
>we learned that it was
>not good to take a
>multi with all the
> should look into your
>diet and figure out what
>you are deficient in and
>only take that vitamin. This
>had to do with vitamin-
>mineral interaction. Vitamins and minerals
>with the same chemical charge
>will compete with each other
>for absorption and ultimatley one
>will win out over the
>other. For many reasons I
>am very hesitant on taking
>vitamins but I will try
>this in small doses since
>I was recently sick with
> a cold and I
>know some days I do
>not get enough of everything..
> Thanks for the
>info Honeybunch!!!
> Janice
RE: 6th. day update...

They are very small pills, so it's not a big deal to take 4 at once, and when you consider the price, they are a bargain compared to other multivitamins that don't give the results.

Deb H got a bottle of 400 at BJ's for under $13.00, which is a 100 day supply. That's a GREAT deal!

I did MIC one hour after I ate a little something and took my vitamins and it was a walk in the park. I've NEVER felt that good doing a long, hard Cathe tape before, and had pretty much shelved the really tough ones. I DO THEM ALL NOW!!!!! I;m doing Circuit Max today, and it had been months since I'd done it.

I was buzzing around on my day off yesterday rearranging my computer room AT NIGHT, which I never do. I usually flop on the couch.

IS THAT ENOUGH TO CONVINCE YOU, JANICE? They say if it seems too good to be true it usually isn't, but in this case it IS.

Just Do It! :)
Hey Carol,

I was wondering if you could tell me how many milligrams of Gurana extract vitalet has? Thanks, Deb
It doesn't state that on the bottle. I'm wondering if you could get that info from the manufacturer-I had referenced the website on my initial post.

Just Do It! :)
OK, OK,.......

I will take all four at once an hour before IMAX tommorrow and let you know. However, it will be tricky cuz I have had about nine days off since my cold so my performance will probably be good no matter what..

Will let you know..

Hi All,

I just visited the ( good idea HB) and they offer a Q&A list. One of the questions was on "How to Take" Vitalert. They offer two ways: 2 tabs with first meal and 2 tabs later. They stated that they chose the 4 tabs at once becuase it would be easier to swallow than 2 lg. tabs.

I am wondering how many mg. of Gurana extract are in a dose because I have in the past taken a product called Pick Me Up. It contains: 250mcg of B12, 75 mg Calcium ( calcium carbonate), Oriental Ginsing powdered root 100mg, Gurana, dried alcoholic extract(seed), and Bee Pollen 10 mg.

Anyway, I still have this bottle from the summer. Never took more than a couple because I didn't feel much. I'm kinda attatched to my morning espresso shot with dark chocolate on the side :). However, I am facinated with the "enduring energy" this product
has given some of you. By the way, are any of you forgoing your morning coffee in leau of your dose of Vitalert?
Wow, it's strange that you mention the coffee. I'm a coffee and caffeine addict. I start out with a pot of coffee in the morning and them move onto Diet Coke. But I switched this week to caffeine free diet Vernors or Squirt. I'm amazed, because I didn't even realize that I am having much less caffeine until I read your post. I have tried many times in the past to decrease my diet Coke consumption, and always failed. I can't say if it's the vitamins, but I am thirlled to have gotten off the diet Coke, because it was ridiculous. I am now 6 days Diet Coke free.

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