new mom wanting to kick up the progress



First let me say thank you sincerely for offering the very best motivating and challenging workouts. I had gotten to the point with other videos where I needed more of a challenge. I also had to do something besides running after pounding my knees for 15 years. I started with your videos and days later I discovered I was pregnant. Starting with BodyMax, Cardio Kicks,Circuit Max, MIS, and MIC, I continued with your videos with modifications as needed throughout my pregnancy. I was able to stay very fit during my pregnancy. Thank you. By the way, I also own Interval Max, Power Max, Step Works, Power Hour, and Step Max

Now, 6 months after giving birth, I am finally feeling close to my prepregnancy fitness level. The problem is that I haven't had more than an hour 4 to 6 times a week to workout. What I have been doing is alternating a day of cardio and then a day of strength training. Although I am back to my prepregnancy weight, I still have some baby fat on my stomach. Now, with my baby going to bed earlier, I may have an extra day or an extra half hour to add to my regime. So, my 1st question is should I add a day of combined cardio and weights such as BodyMax or Circuit Max to loose this flab? I also noticed you recommended to someone a rotation where they would be doing back to back weight workouts. Is this ok? What about allowing the muscles to recover? Finally, can you tell me if one of your weight tapes brings faster and more dramatic results than another? I see positive posts about slow and heavy in many of the posts, but it sounds very time consuming. Can I get the same results with the tapes that I have listed?

Basicly, I am trying to figure out the best ballance for weights and cardio to loose fat and add definition. I am also trying to figure out if what I am doing with weights is enough.


Hi Kathy! A belated congratulations on the birth of your baby:).

Before I go into your other questions, let me just say that back to back weight workouts are okay if you are not working the same muscle groups. For example, you can do legs and back for a workout and then chest and shoulders for another workout on the same day or the following day.

As for one tape bringing out better results than the other, it really depends on your genetics, goals, and amount of time that you have per workout.

You mention that you have 4 to 6 times a week to workout. That's plenty especially if you have an hour.

If you enjoy or respond better to lighter, hi-rep workouts, then I would say that slow and heavy would not be a series that would hold your interest. But if you do like heavy weight training or slow and focused training, then you would enjoy it.

The baby belly does take some extra time to come down. Even after it does, the skin will be different (looser and less toned looking). This will definitely improve over time but depending on your genetics may never completely go away. It is important that you are not confusing this loose skin with a flabby belly that needs to lose a bit and tone up.

Here are three suggested rotations(do each one for three to four weeks).


Mon: Interval Max

Tues: Power Hour

Wed: off

Thursday: Cardio Kicks

Friday: Bodymax

Sat: off

Sun: Circuit Max


Mon: MIS

Tues: PowerMax

Wed: MIC

Thursday: off

Friday: Power Hour

Sat: Step Works

Sun: Cardio Kicks


Mon: MIS

Tues: Step Max

Wed: Bodymax

Thurs: Go for a 30 to 40 minute walk/run

Fri: MIS

Sat: Interval Max

Sun: MIC (optional)

Good Luck and "have fun"!

Hi! I am so glad you asked this question--I am 8 months post-partum and am very close to my pre-pregnancy weight but do have a "flabby" belly!

Do you have the CrossTrainer series? These tapes combine challenging cardio with working one body part with weights. I used them before I got pregnant and found them to be extremely effective for weight loss and muscle definition. Plus they are time efficient! I am not using them right now as I need to ease back into doing cardio 6 days a week. I am currently attempting to do a rotation that includes the Pure Strength series, Circuit Max, and Cardiokicks.

I do like the rotation that Cathe created for you and I think I am going to do it. Let me know if you are going to do it and we can trade notes and support each other.

Have fun and good luck!

Hi Kellie,

Nice to hear from you, another mom with a baby close in age to mine. Do you have a boy or girl? Are you breastfeeding?

I have wondered about both the Crosstrainer series and the slow and heavy. I steared away from both of them for a few reasons. 1st they are expensive if you don't end up using them. The Crosstrainer sounds great if you don't miss a day or two. It doesn't seem like you can subsitute another tape. I like to be more flexible. I also think I prefer to alternate weight training days and cardio days with an ocassional BodyMax and Circuit Max, which include both. My problem with slow and heavy also is that they are very long. I wonder when I would have time for cardio if I did all the slow and heavy.

I like Cathe's rotation. I think I will start Monday. I will probably subsitute MIC for something else because it is just too high impact. I ran for years and my knees are shot.

Although I lost all my "scale weight months ago", I would not be proud to show my belly in a bikini right now. I also had a C section. I have to be honest that I probably should consider a postpregnancy diet . I have not changed my diet much since being pregnant because I have been breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has allowed me to eat some extra calories.

Kellie, you sound very motivated. I'd be happy to keep in touch with you for moral sopport both ways. I would be open to any advice you have on kicking up the progress with weight training and with weight loss.


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