new here


hello all. i have been reading the boards for awhile and decided to join. my name is kassia, 27 year old female. i live in virginia with my "hubby"(well we arent married but have been together for 8 years) and 6 year old daughter,Viola. viola is autistic so strength training is a big deal for me b/c i need all i can get with her physical therapy.

i first heard of cathe about 2 1/2 years ago when hubby bought me a new step that came with her all step vhs(i will be darned where it went with all the moving) and thought she was a great instructor but the choregraphy was a little tough for me at the time. about less then a year ago i saw her on fittv and was able to do the workouts. i recorded all the workouts i could off of fittv. i also own a small handful of her dvds but really hope to get the intensity/body blast/slow and heavy/ctx series as well at the hardcore extreme(hubby cries at this wish list LOL).

lately i have been lagging with cardio so working with cathe is a bit diffcult but i really rock it with her strength training weight work. nothing says confidence and accomplishment like finishing MIS or BODYMAX and still wanting more. :eek:

well sorry for the long post but i do hope to learn alot from you all.


Welcome, Kassia! Glad to have you on the forum! Be prepared to spend oodles of money for more dvd's! "Hubby" may need a bucket! LOL!

Cathe's cardio IS very tough but if you keep at it, you'll increase your endurance and your stamina in no time! Congrats on your great successes in strength training. Isn't it great to feel stronger and stronger?!? :)

Take care and come back often!

I just wanted to say "Welcome" and to warn you that this place is addictive. We will all suck you in and you will end up buying all of Cathe's DVD's. LOL! ;-)[/img] Kassia! Like the others said this is a very addictive place....and we all love Cathe's workouts. Look forward to reading your posts...:)...Carole
Hi Kassia!! Welcome! Yes, get yourself ready for your new addiction. Everyone here will make you want to own every single Cathe workout (because they are ALL so good!)

:) Nicole
WOW!!! thanks for the welcome all well i really don't need any help with getting addicted LOL. since i do the workouts off of fittv i am dying to do the full versions as well as have those premix options. those are very helpful on kick max and core max for me b/c it keeps things fresh. we just moved so finances are tight at the moment but watch out xmas b/c i am getting one or two of these series if it kills me.:) :)


"its not about being thin, its about being strong"
Welcome Kassia! This is a great forum ... great people, & lots of wonderful advice ! I like your "wish list" ... I'm slowly working my way through mine too! :)
Cath :)
"We are the people our parents warned us about!"
LOL robin love this quote. and thanks viola is actually named after her great grandmother on her father's side and my mom was a free spirited, free=thinker who read too much russian and greek poetry so she found my name in a book of poems. i believe it was a greek poet but the name derives from russian and polish.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
WELCOME Kassia! You've come to the greatest place on the web. I see we don't have to warn you about the addiction to have each & every Cathe workout. Sounds like you are already there!!! You can't go wrong, so start making up that Christams list, birthday list and hey, Halloween is just around the corner. Ha! Glad to have you here. Look forward to getting to know you better.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Welcome Kassia (beautiful name by the way!)

I'm glad you have decided to join us here! But be careful, these people here are addicting. I find myself on here a LOT! I love all the personal advice and motivation all of these awesome women give!

Glad to have ya here!
Welcome Kassia! These ladies (and several men) rock! Great amount of knowledge, humor, and compassion expressed on a daily basis. Enjoy! Sue

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